1975 - The Joker in the Pack

Read 1975 - The Joker in the Pack for Free Online

Book: Read 1975 - The Joker in the Pack for Free Online
Authors: James Hadley Chase
    As soon as she had said this, she realized the danger. If Winborn got talking to Hinkle about Herman’s papers, there was a possibility that Hinkle might mention the damning letter, but she need not have worried.
    Winborn lifted an eyebrow.
    “I would prefer not to discuss Mr. Rolfe’s affairs with a servant,” he said.
    You goddamn snob! Helga thought, but thank God you are a snob!
    “May I trouble you to come with me, Mrs. Rolfe,” Winborn went on, “so that we can go through his papers? This draft needs my immediate attention.”
    Another escape! If she hadn’t had the foresight to remove the red folder, Winborn would have pounced on it.
    “Yes, of course.”
    They went into Rolfe’s suite. The two uniformed guards were still at the head of the stairs and by the elevator. They saluted and Winborn, who loved recognition, inclined his head. The door was opened by a fat, kindly faced nurse who let them in.
    “Please be as quiet as you can,” she said softly and returned to the bedroom, shutting the door.
    Winborn stood by her side as Helga went through the contents of the drawers. The folder containing the Japanese contract was quickly found. Another folder lay beneath it with Swiss Portfolio printed on it.
    “That reminds me,” Winborn said, his voice low. “Loman tells me there is a two million loss on the Swiss account. Mr. Rolfe told him the loss was due to reckless speculation.”
    She steadied her jumping nerves. At least Rolfe hadn’t told the truth. Neither Loman nor Winborn knew of Archer’s embezzlement.
    She looked up.
    “The Swiss portfolio is my affair, Mr. Winborn. I am aware what has been lost. I have already discussed this with my husband. This is my problem, not yours.”
    A slight tightening of his lips, but nothing more. He inclined his head.
    “Then I will leave you, Mrs. Rolfe.”
    “Is there anything else?”
    “Not immediately. Dr. Levi thinks that if there is any sign of improvement, Mr. Rolfe should be moved back to Paradise City where he can receive even better attention than here. A decision may be made in a couple of days. I must fly back to Miami this evening. I can, of course, rely on you to keep me informed. Then will you excuse me . . . I have a number of telephone calls to make. I am in suite 14 should you want me.” He began to move to the door, then paused. “As Mr. Rolfe’s executor and legal advisor I think I should know if you are continuing to follow Mr. Archer’s advice. Two million dollars is a heavy loss.”
    She looked directly at him.
    “You have no need as yet to act as an executor, Mr. Winborn and I trust it will be many years to come before you have to,” she said quietly.
    Again the tightening of the lips, then he said, “I hope so too, Mrs. Rolfe. Please excuse me,” and he left the room.
    Helga relaxed back in the chair, drawing in a long, deep breath. She had acquitted herself well, she thought. If the letter had been found, this dangerous man would have unsheathed his claws.
    Returning to her suite, she found Hinkle waiting. He looked tired and his usual benign expression was less in evidence.
    “How are you, madame?” he asked, coming forward.
    “All right. And you, Hinkle?”
    “It has been an anxious night, but now Mr. Rolfe appears less poorly, madame. We must not give up hope.”
    “Did Dr. Levi tell you . . . paralysis?”
    “Yes, madame. Quite shocking, but we mustn’t dwell on it. May I suggest lunch on the terrace? The press people have gone. You won’t be disturbed and the sun is good for you.”
    “All right. Oddly enough, Hinkle, I feel hungry.”
    “It is the strain, madame. It is understandable.”
    Dear, kind Hinkle, she thought. If Herman died, she did hope Hinkle would stay with her.
    “I suggest a little quail pate, madame, then a steak au poivre en chemise. I will supervise the chef.” Hinkle’s face darkened. “He has little talent. Then a champagne sorbet. The wine here, I fear, is not to be trusted,

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