1633:The Danish Scheme
been brought back through the Ring of Fire when Grantville was transported from the future. Where most looked to technology and politics, Sir Thomas recognized that the mining and sailing information available was by far more valuable. But it still took money to develop the opportunities presented by that information.
    Now, if he could just get them to keep their mouths shut and let him make the presentation to King Christian, they might have a chance to get the financing they needed. Their family had money, but not enough, and definitely not the power that would be needed to protect the new settlements. They were young, and brimming over with schemes to make more. Just the combination that would not endear them to royalty. On the carriage ride to the palace, he’d already had to shoot down two hare brained schemes by Reuben. He couldn’t imagine getting Christian to give them money to transport settlers! Simply getting him to invest would be difficult. Their schemes would just scare the King off.
    As they exited the carriage, he made introductions all around. Scheel’s attitude was immediately apparent,  two Jews.  Even with all their hair brained schemes, Sir Thomas had taken a liking to the Abrabanels and Scheel’s attitude stuck in his craw. Maybe the King  should  pay for the settlers. It would definitely be a thorn to Scheel, who seemed to feel that all the King’s money was really his. Their host motioned for them to follow him into the castle.
    The Chancellor appeared in a hurry and spoke over his shoulder as they walked. “His Majesty will see you right away. He is short for time today but insisted that your business be included on his schedule. He’s having to deal with some issues on the navy yard in Bremerholm that have arisen.” They followed Scheel, who maintained a brisk pace, until they arrived at the audience chamber. The guards came to port arms, but Scheel stepped around them and opened the door. Inside, King Christian was seated next to a fireplace that was struggling mightily to keep the large room a few degrees above the outside temperature. He waved them in, to sit in the chairs around the walls. Two of his sons were also in attendance, standing near the fire, warming their backsides. By the look of the servants bustling around the room, it had only been opened and a fire laid in the hearth a few minutes before their arrival.
    The King motioned impatiently for the presentation to begin. “Well Christen, You know I’m expected in the main audience chamber in an hour. You insisted that I squeeze that meeting in. We’ll have to be quick about this!”
    “Yes, your Majesty!” Chancellor Scheel nodded for Sir Thomas to start. The two Abrabanels stood quietly in the background.
    Sir Thomas broke the seal on the pouch and presented the signed treaty to the King. “As you suspected your Majesty, the scent of gold convinced Charles to ratify the treaty. He objected to the lack of interest, but finally acquiesced when I pointed out the income he’d received in the meantime. Your analysis of his temperament was brilliant.”  It never hurt to acknowledge royalty’s brilliance, especially on the rare occasion it was true. “  As you can see, it’s signed and sealed with the royal seal. Shetland and the Orkneys are again Danish lands.” Sir Thomas stepped back with the bearing of someone who had successfully accomplished a difficult task.
    King Christian contemplated the treaty for a moment, with a slight smile, and then got down to business. “You’ve done all I asked Sir Thomas. Indeed, from what I understand from Christen, at some risk to yourself. Your efforts will be rewarded. I remember our previous discussion on your enterprise and that’s why I asked you to bring your associates. I have some plans for that area, but I would like to hear what you have to propose before I proceed further.”
    Sir Thomas took a deep breath before starting. He was an Englishman to his very soul, and

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