1633:The Danish Scheme
princes. “You see, I was right. They do have a plan!”
    Turning back to Sir Thomas, his demeanor became grave. “Our plans seem to be compatible. I am interested in supporting your endeavor, but not as the Crown. As a current ally of France, I cannot afford to offend the Cardinal too much. Neither can I tolerate a France that grows too powerful. The alliance is already strained. If you can live with that, then we can proceed further.”
    Sir Thomas looked from Saul to Reuben. They both nodded agreement. “We can accept that Your Majesty. But if France should intervene militarily, what would Denmark’s reaction be?” Christian just smiled and admired the warm glow from the fireplace.
    “I understand. As someone said, we would have look out for ourselves” Sir Thomas returned a standard diplomatic response.
    King Christian stirred and added, “Noninvolvement also extends to anything Charles should do, too. I cannot protect you if he recalls you and formally asks for your return. However, if I can’t find you, I can’t return you. Do you understand?”
    Sir Thomas understood, since it was a game he’d been playing most of his adult life. “I’ve always enjoyed new sights. I’m sure this enterprise would have some to offer.”
    “Very good. What I propose is that, in exchange for investing twenty thousand florins, all trade comes back through Denmark and pays the usual customs and We receive an annual income of five thousand florins. Your company will administer the new territories, to include collecting taxes in the Shetlands and Orkneys. You will receive a third of those funds for your expenses. The rest shall come back to pay back the dowry funds.”
    Again, Sir Thomas looked to his partners, who both nodded. “Agreed! Who shall we send the proposed charter to for review?”
    “My Chancellor will be our coordinator, to reduce the visibility. You need to expedite your preparations. It appears that the war may be heating up in the spring. My French allies are pressing for further attacks on the Swede. I haven’t committed yet, but somehow word has leaked. My next meeting is to address the problem of the refugees that are already in the city.”
    Sir Thomas saw the scowl on Scheel’s face and just managed to hold back a laugh. He could hear behind his back that someone was already stepping forward. He didn’t even need to turn to know that it was Reuben, taking advantage of the opening.
    “Your Majesty, if I might make a suggestion?” Christian made a hurry up motion to proceed. “I know that the refugees are costing the crown to keep them quiet and peaceful. Why not let one problem solve another. I’m sure the Company could transport the refugees to the New World for less than what they will cost to maintain here. We would get extra settlers, and you clear out the riff raff.”
    Christian rose to leave. “I’ll consider it. Send me a proposal with the charter. I’ll have Christen work out the details for both.” The door opened and a servant entered, a worried look on his face.
    “Your Majesty, word just arrived from Bramstedt that Lady Kruse has given birth. You have another daughter, Elisabeth Sophia.”
    After twenty three previous children, the King merely shrugged. “Now, I must be off!” He reached for his forehead, in evident pain. A nearby servant quickly handed him a drink that he knocked back in a long draught. He paused a moment to savor the taste and then set the tankard down. After a prodigious belch, his demeanor improved. He stood up, and motioned for both princes to accompany him. Everyone then rose and bowed, until the door shut behind the King and his entourage. Sir Thomas then looked at Reuben and slowly shook his head in amazement.
    * * *
    A bright, warm sun and a cool breeze made Copenhagen the best place in the world as far as Sergeant Karl Andersen was concerned. He strolled with the three young members of his city watch patrol through the open air market. They paused

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