The Bad Luck Wedding Night, Bad Luck Wedding series #5 (Bad Luck Abroad trilogy)

Read The Bad Luck Wedding Night, Bad Luck Wedding series #5 (Bad Luck Abroad trilogy) for Free Online

Book: Read The Bad Luck Wedding Night, Bad Luck Wedding series #5 (Bad Luck Abroad trilogy) for Free Online
Authors: Geralyn Dawson
here and crochet doilies for our tables and hang pictures and plant daisies in clay pots on the front porch. I love daisies."
    "Aye, Sarah, I ken. Except the part about crocheting, that is. I wasn't aware you could crochet."
    That surprised a little laugh out of her, and the atmosphere between them eased. He drew back, putting space between them, then tugged a handkerchief from his pocket and attended to her tears. He followed each dab of the square of white linen against her cheek with a kiss, and Sarah felt her defenses melt with each gentle brush of his lips.
    Nick truly was a good man. He was honorable. She needed to remember that. It wasn't right of her to hold the marriage bed business against him. He was just a man, after all, and like any man, he wanted it. Like her mother said, putting up with it was a woman's lot in life. As far as this circumstance of his brothers' dying went, he certainly hadn't planned that. She wasn't being fair.
    Sarah sniffed, then said, "I'm sorry, too, Nick. I know you're not a liar."
    His smile was both tender and bittersweet as he leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "We will work it out. Dinna worry. Now, it has been a long day. Let's he down and take a wee nap. I want to hold you, Sarah. That's all, I promise. Just a wee cuddling. I will snore in your ear and perhaps when I awake, I will ken what to do about all of this. I have found it happens that way sometimes. I will go to sleep with a problem on my mind, and when I wake up, I have the solution."
    Sarah agreed with little hesitation. She did enjoy being in his arms, and she wasn't worried he'd take advantage of her. Nick wasn't one for sneak attacks.
    A few minutes later, they crawled into bed fully clothed. Despite the trauma that occurred last time they'd stretched out on this mattress, Sarah relaxed right away. She drifted off to sleep cradled in his arms, cushioned by the warmth of his body and blanketed by his spicy, masculine scent that had grown so familiar so quickly and both curled her toes and made her feel safe.
    Half an hour later, she was awakened by a man's bellow and a knock on the door. "Nicholas Ross, you sonofabitch. Open this damned door! Open this door, you fornicating bastard, so I can kill you!"
    It was, by far, the rudest awakening of Sarah's entire life.
    * * *
    Damnation, what now? Nick rolled out of bed and headed for the door. He didn't recognize the voice, but that didn't really matter. Whoever was there would pay for interrupting Nick's wedding night.
    Such as it was.
    "This had better be good," he warned as he cracked the door open.
    He'd never seen the man before in his life.
    Whoever he was, he was older than Nick by thirty years or more. He wore a banker's suit and a furious scowl, and his gunmetal-colored eyes shot bullets. Nick caught himself before he could glance down toward his heart to check for wounds. "Do I know you?"
    "If we'd met before, you'd already be dead," the man ground out through gritted teeth.
    "Sir, I do not know what this is all about, but you are interrupting my honeymoon."
    "Well, that's your bad luck, isn't it?"
    Nick couldn't argue with that. From the moment he'd knocked on the hotel room door, this had been one bad-luck-filled wedding night. Now what?
    He got his first hint when the man pushed against the door and barreled past Nick into the hotel suite, dragging a young woman behind him.
    "Susan?" Nick asked.
    Susan Harris was a pretty, petite woman with dark hair, lush curves, and a normally ready, winning smile. She lived up in Birdville, northeast of Fort Worth, where her father was the preacher at the Baptist church. Today her expression showed no sign of a smile, and suddenly Nick had a bad feeling about what had brought her to town.
    He had met her shortly after his arrival in Fort Worth. She'd made the trip into the town's tenderloin district with members of her father's church for the purpose of saving souls. Instead, she'd been intrigued. At twenty-two, she

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