His Indecent Proposal

Read His Indecent Proposal for Free Online

Book: Read His Indecent Proposal for Free Online
Authors: Andra Lake
live a life?”  
    “That’s a question I’m still asking.”  
    After Jackson locked up, we went our separate ways and I headed to Brooklyn. I met the landlord Bran at the bottom of the building and he showed me to the room. And that’s all it was: a room. A tiny studio that didn’t even have a kitchen, only a hot plate and a microwave. But it was clean. It was also entirely empty and available for me to move into immediately.  
    “I’ll take it,” I told him.  
    That night, I finished packing all my things into boxes and Sam and I celebrated our last night as roommates together. We shared a bottle of red wine, both of us teary and nostalgic. We’d been best friends since High School and had lived together all throughout University. It was going to be a big change for both of us.  
    I showed Sam a picture of my new apartment and she cried harder.  
    “You can’t live there! It’s a hole.”  
    I snatched my phone away. “It’s my hole. It’s my first apartment alone and I will decorate it to look nice, thank-you-very-much!”  
    Sam’s face fell. “Oh Amy, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I’m just worried about you and I feel so bad. If I weren’t moving in with Luke, the rent my parents pay for me would go to supporting half of a nice two bedroom. You could afford that.”  
    I waved her away. “I’m not going to be anyone’s charity case, okay? I’m actually excited to have a place of my own. I’m going to decorate the walls with my artwork. That will make it a lot homier.”  
    “Are there a lot of locks? I mean, is it…safe?” Sam asked, wiping away her tears. “I’m just worried about you,” she added quickly.  
    “I know you are. And yes, it’s safe. You can even come see it on the weekend if you and Luke would help me move?”  
    “Of course! We’d love to help. And we can use Luke’s car.”  
    Luke showed up a bit later to start loading boxes. He was tall, broad and tanned with blonde hair and blue eyes. A line of freckles dotted his nose, making him look cute despite his size. We’d met him at a Students’ Union event our first year and he and Sam had been dating ever since.  
    “Hey Ames,” he said, putting an arm around me. “I heard you got a temporary job and a place. Congrats!”  
    “Thanks,” I said, squeezing him back. “I’m pretty excited to be doing my own thing, you know?”  
    “Totally,” Luke said before messing up my hair.  
    I helped them carry boxes down to his parents’ SUV. After the last box, Sam offered to come back up, but I told her not to worry about it.  
    “Enjoy the new place. I have to be at work early tomorrow anyway.”  
    Tears pricked her eyes and we hugged again.  
    “I’ll see you on Saturday for the move,” she said before climbing into the car.  
    Back in our student apartment, I felt alone for the first time. Even the loss of Sam’s boxes made me feel sad and sentimental. I closed the door to her room without looking inside, and then went to my own room to crash.  
    My room was also half-packed, but the bed was still together and I had sheets and clothes for the next few days. I leaned up against the headboard of my bed and scrolled through my phone, checking my Facebook and email. I sat up bolt right when I saw I had a message from the numbered email. Dallon King.  
    Dear Miss Clair,
    I want to apologize for how our meeting went down the other day. I understand your concerns and wish to assure you that I will not be selling the pictures. They are safe with me. You are very beautiful and I feel privileged to have been able to take your picture.
    It was wonderful to have met you,
    I stared at the email for a few moments. He was trying to be nice and reassure me, or else make me back down, but it wasn’t going to work. In fact, it just made me angrier. I quickly typed a response and sent it back.  
    Dear D, that does little to make me feel better at this point. What kind of a person

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