Microsoft Word - Blood and Sex from CE.rtf

Read Microsoft Word - Blood and Sex from CE.rtf for Free Online

Book: Read Microsoft Word - Blood and Sex from CE.rtf for Free Online
Authors: Administrator
stood and moved past the line of booths toward the exit.
    She peeked back over her shoulder to see Elena, Jonas’s compagno, whowas looking more like him by the day, hurrying toward her. Her gut twisted. Every time the new vampire got near, Christiana had the strangest urge to kiss her. It wasn’t the first time she’d felt this for another female, but it was the first time it had been this strong. The other vampiress who made

    her feel this did it on purpose. This from Elena was, however, completely unintentional. There was no intent that she could detect, and the attraction wasn’t mutual. It was just that Elena was magnetic. Compelling.
    Even that was an understatement.
    Which was why she kept walking, hoping to make it out into the club before she was forced to endure another moment with the strange feelings for Elena. They’d spent every spare moment together for two weeks, working with Jonas as bait to teach Elena control over her new abilities. It had been a pleasant way to avoid Blane—until this new attraction to Elena started.
    “Wait.” Elena grabbed her arm, then tugged her into a hug that seemed a little too warm for such a reserved female.
    Christiana stiffened, but tried not to let it insult the woman. She had done nothing wrong, despite the discomfort she caused.
    “Thank you for helping me.”
    “You’re welcome.” Christiana stepped back as the sorella released her. The urge to kiss her was even stronger than before, as if the neonato were attempting to seduce her through blood magic, but there was no surge in emotion that would come with such an attempt. Curious. “It is my job.”
    “You did a lot more than your job. If it weren’t for you, I’d have completely worn Jonas out during that first week.” Elena smiled. “Thank you for making this easier. For us.”
    “It’s nothing.”
    “Please tell me you’re coming back with us.” She leaned in and whispered, “You’re the only friend I have besides Jonas. I think Tori doesn’t trust me.”
    Actually, it wasn’t just mistrust Tori was feeling. She’d felt the human’s jealousy of

    Elena. With it, there was downright accusation. But the human detective had good reason not to trust Elena. There was something about her, something in the way that everyone reacted to her very presence, that made it eerie. It was as if she were the most irresistible creature on Earth, when she wasn’t abnormally beautiful. Then, when she was near the padrone , that power intensified somehow and everyone could feel it. It positively electrified the air.
    Elena’s perfume wafted toward Christiana, and it made her head spin. Yeah, there was definitely a good reason not to trust Elena with your mate. Christiana stepped back again. “I haven’t made plans to stay. I will wait to see what Khalil asks of me.”
    “All right, but consider staying. You can stay in the pool house if you like.”
    Right . No way was she staying in the house with Jonas and Elena. She really wouldn’t be able to keep her mind off Blane if she had to listen to them having sex every night. “Thank you for the offer. I will consider it.” She backed slowly away. “I will see you tomorrow night.”
    Christiana turned and walked toward the main bar. Yes, she’d see them tomorrow night, on their way to Venice, and she couldn’t be happier. She couldn’t take another second near Elena or Blane. If she didn’t get out of Collins soon, she was going to have a sexual meltdown. One that would probably include ripping the clothes right off Blane. Which he would probably welcome.
    She stepped through the door that separated the VIP section from the main bar and pulled her cell phone from her pocket. She flipped the top open and looked for the envelope icon.
    Vincenzo should have sent her an e-mail by now, but there was no message—
    She bounced off something—or someone—large and stumbled back.
    Christiana glanced up to see what happened. It

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