Man 2.0 Engineering the Alpha

Read Man 2.0 Engineering the Alpha for Free Online

Book: Read Man 2.0 Engineering the Alpha for Free Online
Authors: John Romaniello
death part.
    We’ve made some calls and tried to get more hours added to the day—but that hasn’t worked. So we realize that you might not always be able to achieve seven or eight hours of sleep per night. You’re busy. We get it. But that’s not a good enough excuse.
    Take a hard look at the end-of-evening activities you can cut out to get to bed an hour earlier. Do you really need to check Facebook again? Is it imperative to catch up on ESPN right now ? Cut things off a bit early and head to bed.
    If you’re still not convinced, here’s what’s more important to understand about your nightly ritual: it’s not necessarily how long you sleep, but the quality of your sleep that is directly correlated to improving your life and health on a daily basis, say researchers at the Institute of Medicine. While there are numerous studies that show a link between poor sleep and diseases such as hypertension and diabetes—as well as shorter life span—this study focused on the problems that sleep causes in your day-to-day life. And after reviewing the behaviors and self-reported tendencies of more than ten thousand people, a connection is very clear: lack of sleep ruins your ability to function. You have trouble concentrating, remembering information, driving, taking care of your finances, and performing your job at a high level. And those were just the top five problems associated with a lack of sleep.
    While none of this may sound shocking, what’s most interesting is how easily you can change how you feel. The survey found that more than 30 percent of adults sleep less than six hours per night. And these people were the ones with the highest percentage of related problems. Those who slept more than eight hours per night? Well, their problems didn’t even rate as statistically significant.
    Naturally, we suggest that you get more sleep. But we know that won’t always be possible. So you need to find ways to improve your quality of sleep, even if you can’t fit in the recommended hours.
    That’s where GH and the incredible power of insulin come into play.
    Increasing GH can make your sleep more restful even when you’re not spending as much time in your slumber, according to researchers at Oregon Health and Science University. But more importantly, more GH and better sleep quality will lower cortisol, which offsets the damage caused by fewer hours of rest.
    Cortisol is one of the power players in the hormone game. Quite simply: fuck with cortisol, and it will fuck you up. That said, cortisol isn’t all bad. It’s tied to your fight-or-flight response. So the occasional surge in cortisol can be helpful for everything from lifting more weight to improving your immunity and even helping brain function and memory.
    But like most things in life, the poison is in the dose. Cortisol levels are oftentimes increased due to stress. And we’re not just talking about watching your team blow another lead with ten seconds left in the game or dealing with a pain-in-the-ass boss. This is every type of stress, such as not sleeping enough, having too much fat on your body, or worrying about how to resolve conflict with your significant other. Even eating the wrong foods can stress your body and increase cortisol.
    And when cortisol levels remained elevated or are constantly spiked, your body eventually breaks down in every way possible. You age faster. You gain weight more easily. And you suffer from disease.
    So in order for you to remain happy and good-looking, it’s important that you keep your cortisol in check.
    You see, high cortisol creates interruptions in sleep patterns. In other words, it makes you sleep like crap and wake up feeling even worse. But it’s a vicious cycle because poor rest means your cortisol becomes elevated even more, which will ensure that your sleep will continue to get worse. What’s more, less

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