The Cupid Chronicles

Read The Cupid Chronicles for Free Online

Book: Read The Cupid Chronicles for Free Online
Authors: Coleen Murtagh Paratore
Tags: SOC035000
they rot or what?” He laughs.
    â€œThey’re okay,” I say. “Besides, they’re eye … yaaffordable.”
    JFK peers into the open barn. I peer into his ocean eyes and start to sail away “Willa, my darling, dance with me?”
I swerve back to shore.
    JFK laughs. “I said ‘Willa, I’m starving, what’s there to eat?’”
    â€œOh sure, come on.” I push the admission jar forward so people will see it. All of the freshmen girls are here now anyway and I have a fishy feeling the rest of the boys got lured to the Burners’ bonfire.
    JFK and I fill our plates and sit down on a bale of hay. The Buoys are playing a decent song and all of the girls are dancing. Tina’s flirting with Jessie. So much for Tanner McGee. I hope JFK doesn’t feel weird being the only boy here besides the Buoys, but he doesn’t seem to mind.
    â€œThe wings are good,” he says.
    â€œThanks, I’ll tell my dad Chef Kennelly approves.”
    Joseph laughs and takes off his tall white hat. He smooths his hair. It did get curly while he was away or maybe it’s being back in the ocean air.
    I take off my chef hat, and smooth my hair, too. I wish I had a mirror. I probably have hat hair. “How does your father like his new job?”
    â€œHe loves it.” JFK tries Sam’s nacho supremos. Taco chips smothered with salsa, meat, and cheese. “These are awesome.” He wipes his mouth.
    â€œGlad you like them,” I say He has beautiful lips.
    â€œYeah, my dad always wanted to run the
Cape Times.
It was his big dream.”
    â€œGood for him. I think it’s great when people’s dreams come true.” Oh no, I sound like Pollyanna. Oh, so what Willa? That girl always gets a bad rap. All she was trying to do was make the world a happier—
    â€œHey, I made the Bucks,” Joseph says. “Second string, quarterback.”
    Oh no,
soccer I know. Football’s a foreign planet. “That’s great. Congratulations.”
    â€œYou like football?”
    â€œI love it.” You are such a liar, Willa.
    JFK’s face brightens. “Looking good for the Pats, huh?”
    The New England Patriots football team. Thanks, Sam. Sam said even if you hate sports, there are two teams every Cape Codder absolutely must know.The Boston Red Sox, baseball, and the New England Patriots, football. Thanks, Sam.
    â€œYeah, they’re looking great,” I say. Mental note, start reading the sports page. “The Pats are my favorite team.” Remember Pinocchio, Willa.
    â€œWhat book are you reading now?” JFK asks. “I always see you reading.”
    How sweet of him to change the subject to something I’m interested in.
    â€œI just finished
A Tale of Two Cities
and I’m starting
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.
Are you reading anything?”
    â€œWell, Shakespeare, like everybody. And I’m still trying to finish
Moby Dick,
I promised my father, but right now I’m into
The Outsiders.
It’s good.”
    He reads for pleasure. This is great.
    â€œWhat’s the best book you ever read?” I ask.
    â€œI don’t know,” JFK says. “That’s hard to say. I have a lot of fav—”
    There’s an earsplitting laugh. The Blazers are in the horse stall next to us, dancing to a different drummer indeed. Papa B spins Mama out like a yo-yo then snaps her back in his arms. She gives him a big slurpy kiss and they laugh like loony birds.
    â€œSorry,” I say to JFK. “They’re our new guests.”
    â€œThat’s okay.” JFK laughs. “They’re having fun.”
    The Buoys take a break. Tina turns on some music. The song’s a favorite of mine. I think about dancing. I love to dance. “What kind of music do you like, Joseph?”
    Oh no, I’m more of a Top 40 girl. “What do you like about it?”
    â€œI like

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