Keeper (Matefinder Next Generation Book 1)

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Book: Read Keeper (Matefinder Next Generation Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Leia Stone
and caught me off guard. It was him. Mate.
    Turning, I saw Gavin, hand frozen in the air, chest heaving.
    “What are you doing?” his girlfriend screeched next to him, looking at his hand in horror.
    Did his eyes just flash yellow? What the? No, it was a trick of the light. They were green .
    This blonde bitch was turning my wolf into a jealous twelve year old and I was trying to keep my wolf from attacking her. I had never been at odds with my wolf, we were one. Never her and I, just me. But I wanted to rip her face off for the way she held onto my mate. The way she was touching his hard biceps made my wolf furious. Oh my God, what was happening to me? He wasn’t my mate, right?
    Jax’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
    “Shift. We’ve got some injured humans,” Jax told me. Mate or not, I was the Alpha’s daughter and I would be expected to lead by example in a situation like this.
    Clothes landed at my feet and my wolf gave a smile to Gavin’s girlfriend. Oh no. She wouldn’t. No. I gasped. She did. My wolf forced me to shift myself back to human and suddenly I stood there, stark naked before Gavin and his girlfriend. This was my wolf wanting to mark her territory. Nakedness was nothing within my pack; we were always seeing each other naked, but to humans it was another issue. There was no smoke hiding my bare form now. I can’t believe my wolf shifted me before I could get privacy! How was that possible? She was controlling me? I blushed as Gavin’s gaze flicked quickly down my body before he turned away red faced.
    Stop it! I screamed at my wolf and threw my clothes on as fast as I could. I felt like I was going crazy; being at odds with your wolf was akin to having a multiple personality. It was terrifying and I had never heard of something like this happening.
    “Take me home, Gavin!” His girlfriend stood and glared at him.
    Fully clothed, I turned around intending to apologize.
    She blasted past me in a rush, bumping my shoulder as she passed, and the apology flew out the window, instead I let loose a low threatening growl.
    ‘Easy there, cowgirl,’ Jax scolded me, coming to stand behind me.
    Shit. I couldn’t control my wolf. This NEVER happened. I was always in control. What did this mean? Panic had me in its grip.
                  Gavin walked past me, leaning into my neck, and I heard him inhale deeply, smelling me. “Thank you,” he whispered, his breath tickling my ear and making my stomach heat up. I was pretty sure if we were alone in the room I would have jumped him. I needed my wolf to chill the hell out before I did something ridiculous. Was he thanking me for protecting him from the gunman or for giving him a nude show?
    He held my gaze for a few more seconds and then walked away. I felt my heart literally ache at the sight of him leaving. My wolf tried to make me run after him, howling inside my head, and I bit my tongue to keep myself from screaming after him. Asking him to stop. I actually walked half a step forward and stopped myself. What the hell was going on?! My wolf and I were one, we never had to think or feel separately. It didn’t happen. Until now. I was in big trouble.
    ‘Stop it!’ I screamed at my wolf.
    ‘ Mate .’ She panted again and howled as he walked out of the door and out of my life.
    For Christ’s sake, I felt like a bitch in heat. I needed an ice water bath and a slap in the face.
    Jax met my eyes, concern etched across his face and I just shook my head. ‘My wolf is going crazy. I can’t control her.’
    Jax frowned. ‘Is that possible?’
    I guess so. Damn, growing up as a werewolf pup, we were told the day we met our mates would be all sunshine and rainbows. This was nothing of the sort. One thing was certain, my wolf wouldn’t stop until Gavin was my mate.

Chapter Three
    “Brady will be found and his captors will be dealt with!” My dad roared in all his Alpha glory as the hairs on my arms stood up. He could be one scary-ass

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