Keeper (Matefinder Next Generation Book 1)

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Book: Read Keeper (Matefinder Next Generation Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Leia Stone
mother-effer. I saw that he was barely containing his humanity as fur rippled on his skin. The entire pack was gathered in the large red pole barn on our property. A light misty rain was falling outside and I knew it would be the last bit of rain for a while as summer was just around the corner.
    “We have a fragile peace with the humans, but I will shatter it in a second if Brady is not found immediately! Someone will answer for this,” he bellowed as the pack cheered in agreement.
    My hand went to the mark on my neck. Why the hell were we playing by the humans’ rules if they didn’t play by ours?
    “I am hoping this was an isolated incident, but I’m meeting with the council to discuss any further action.” My father then dismissed us all.
    Well, shit. I needed sleep, and this was the longest night ever. Leaving the barn, I shuffled my feet back to the house, Jax in tow.
    As we reached the front porch, my twin grabbed my arm. “Hey, what’s with the guy? You were like five seconds from licking his face.”
    I rolled my eyes at my brother, but then became serious. “I don’t know, Jaxon.” I used his full first name for good measure to make sure my twin knew how serious this was. “My wolf thinks he is my mate.”
    Jax frowned. “Your wolf? What do you think?”
    I opened the door and crossed into our living room.
    Sighing, I shrugged. I was an evil bitch without sleep. “I think I’m tired as all hell.”
    “Your MATE!” my father roared and I turned to see him standing in the open doorway with mom.
    Shit. I glared at Jax and he frowned.
    ‘Sorry, I didn’t smell him,’ Jax told me.
    I turned to face my father who was now standing over me, his eyes full of concern.
    “You met your mate?” He was breathless, worried, excited … enraged? It was hard to tell, but I was guessing my dad was hoping this day never came. His only daughter meeting her mate. He wasn’t my mate though, crazy, right? Because he was human and had a girlfriend.
    But then I remembered the way he stroked my fur and I exhaled loudly.
    I put my hand out in an effort to calm my father. “No, Papa. The guy from my dreams was at the bar tonight. My wolf thinks he is my mate but he’s not.” Right? Now I was questioning my logic. But everyone said when you met your mate it was like some fireworks display with a life review of visions and all kinds of craziness.
    My mother came up behind my father and placed her hand on his shoulder to calm him. “What makes you think your wolf is wrong?” she asked me.
    I shrugged. “He’s human or something like that.”
    My father’s eyebrows creased. “Something like that?”
    I groaned. Why were parents so intrusive and annoying at the worst possible times?
    “He smelled funny,” I admitted and Jax busted up laughing.
    I extended my arm, quickly punching Jax in the shoulder.
    “Smelled funny like he needed a shower or he smelled like a supernatural?” Now my father’s arms were crossed and he was staring at me with those interrogator eyes.
    “Like supernatural, okay! But also a human. I don’t know. I’m tired, alright?” I put my hands up in protest. Jesus, I shifted in front of him and his girlfriend and they both saw me naked. Just let me sleep.
    My father simply nodded but my mom looked more concerned. She was watching me like I was a bomb about to explode. Maybe I was.
    Brushing past Jax and into my room, I collapsed into my bed. Gavin. His name was the last thing on my mind before I passed out and was quickly sucked into a dream.
    “Help me. What am I?” Gavin sat up in bed staring down at fur that lined his arms. He was dripping sweat, burning hot, again. Fully human but with a few small patches of fur on his arms.
    What the hell? In the dream, I stepped closer and reached out to touch the white fur on his arms. When my hand was an inch from him, he looked right at me.
    “Am I like her?” he asked.
    I froze and stopped breathing. Then he looked at his arms again, curled

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