Zorba the Hutt's Revenge
goner, for sure!" CLICK!! The screen went black. It was the end of the message. All the color was drained from Han’s face. He called Luke and Leia into the bedroom and told them the news in private.
    "We’d better get you off this planet, Leia-and fast!" Han said. "With Zorba out for revenge, he won’t be satisfied until he succeeds. And if he manages to get his big ugly Hutt hands on you, it’s your funeral!"
    Suddenly, on the other side of the door, they heard Ken scream out, "Oh no! Kate!" Then Ken came bursting into the bedroom without even knocking. "Commander Skywalker!" Ken yelled frantically. "Kate fell!"
    "What? Fell? How?" Luke asked.
    "She was outside cleaning the observation balcony," Ken explained. "And she leaned over and fell into the clouds!"
    "I’m going after her!" Luke shouted.
    Luke hurried out the front door and walked along the yard platform. Struggling to keep his balance, he headed for the cloud car convertible he had borrowed from Lando, taking Han’s macrobinoculars with him.
    Luke leapt into the car. Then someone jumped into the seat alongside him. "Leia. But I thought you’d stay behind and-"
    "Move it, Luke. Or she’ll be halfway down to the Rethin Sea." Luke powered up. WHOOOOOSH!
    The cloud car took off and plunged down into the clouds at a steep angle, straight into the thick braze.
    Luke triggered the hyperaccelerator. Now they were zooming faster than a droid would fall. Luke aimed the cloud car pointing straight down, and accelerated even more. Soon, through the misty braze, they could see Kate falling down below. Once Luke had been saved from a fall at the bottom of Cloud City. He had tumbled right into the hatch of the Millennium Falcon as it flew underneath to rescue him. Now he used the same strategy to rescue Kate. He flew the cloud car convertible beneath her, adjusted his angle and speed, and ever so gently she plopped right into the back seat.
    "How can I ever thank you?" Kate asked, calmly. "But what will Master Han Solo say? I fell down on the job."
    "You sure did," Princess Leia said. She pointed straight down, as the cloud car convertible kept descending. "You fell practically all the way down to the Rethin Sea. Look down below-there’s the liquid metal core of the planet."
    "And look over there!" Luke said excitedly. "There’s Trioculus’s factory barge!" The barge was vast-a huge metal platform floating above the Rethin Sea. And on the platform were several dozen enormous factories.
    The barge was an Imperial base for making weapons and ammunition-antivehicle laser cannons, Comar tritracker artillery, anti-orbital ion cannons, field missile launchers, and turbolaser emplacements. All molded from rethin and other metals found in Bespin’s liquid core.
    Towering above the factory barge were smokestacks, thick and tall, spewing out foul clouds of brown gas.
    "Now that we’re here, let’s take a closer look," Princess Leia suggested.
    "How about some other time?" Luke said.
    "We’re this close, Luke. We might as well see if we can come up with any ideas on how to stop this braze."
    Luke reluctantly agreed. It was a bold idea on Leia’s part. Maybe too bold, Luke thought. As they flew nearer, their cloud car was observed down below. Suddenly the laser defense system of the factory barge came to life.
    Luke swerved to dodge the blasts, but he was much better at piloting spaceships and landspeeders than cloud cars. They were hit.
    The underside of their vehicle was cracked down the middle. For the moment Luke still had control, but they were losing altitude fast.
    Steering frantically, Luke made their car weave in and out among the smokestacks. The car took another hit from laserfire, and within seconds, it smashed into the barge. SCREEEEEECH! came the sounds of metal scraping metal.
    The cloud car convertible skidded along a road on the factory barge. At last it came to a crashing halt, right in front of a factory covered with brown soot.
    "Don’t look now," Luke

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