Zomblog 04: Snoe

Read Zomblog 04: Snoe for Free Online

Book: Read Zomblog 04: Snoe for Free Online
Authors: T. W. Brown
Tags: Zombies
and a host of familiar names from those books. Proof of their impact, I guess. However, I have never met one single Dominique. She is the biblical Cain…which makes Jenifer…Abel?
    Friday, June 29 th
    Arrived home. I didn’t feel like being the one to drop the bad news on everybody, so I just submitted to my check-up, passed my blood test, and came back to find the place still empty. I expected Mama Lindsay to beat me back.
    It is strange, but now that I know what is out there, I worry so much more about her than I ever have before. Add this new element of the NAA…and Dominique takes everything up a notch.
    I stopped by Phaedra’s, but she wasn’t home. I know she isn’t on a run, because I checked the board before I left.

    Sunday, July 1st
    Mama Lindsay is home. I guess she got word of everything from an outbound convoy. Well…almost everything.
    I told her about New America’s new president.
    Jenifer is coming over tonight to meet with Mama Lindsay and a bunch of the folks in charge of security. We will be prepared for the worst of possibilities. One of the benefits of who I am—Mama Lindsay’s daughter, not the offspring of Sam and Meredith—is that it will happen under my roof. I will be in the know.
    Monday, July 2 nd
    I leave in seven days.
    The EEF now has a new mission statement. An offshoot branch will be tasked to embark on “recon and becoming a general pain in the ass” is how our eloquent president put it. We will be undertaking our first mission. There is a railroad bridge about three days out that we are tasked with taking down, sabotaging, or impeding by any means necessary.
    The task is very open to ingenuity. I guess it would have been easier in the Old World era. However, the tools and/or explosives to make a job like this happen are not readily available. We will have to improvise in the field.
    THAT is exciting!
    Two of the people coming with us are old friends of my birth mother: Jeff and Rodney. It is ironic that they are now considered explosives experts. When Meredith met them, she believed that they were Army Rangers. They were…sorta.
    Jeff and Rodney were supply clerks. They were also the ones responsible for blowing up the house of The Genesis Brotherhood. They were informed of the situation with Dominique and both men stepped forward to volunteer.
    The real humor in this situation is that both men had to officially enlist in the EEF. They are in the training now. I wonder if they are having flashbacks.
    The normal enlistee for the EEF is between seventeen and twenty-five. In their mid-forties, Jeff and Rodney are going to be the oldest and most junior members of the force. I can’t wait to actually meet them.
    This brought up some new feelings. I have always tried to live my life as the daughter of Mama Janie and Mama Lindsay. I have made it a life choice to put being Sam and Meredith’s daughter in the back…to the point of almost pretending they don’t exist. I am not sure that is the right way to go anymore. I have avoided meeting a bunch of people from their past, people in the books just because I wanted to avoid mixing with their past too intimately.
    I tried so hard to be something else. Yet, here it has come back…full circle. I never understood that phrase until now. All that has gone before is coming back like that bad taste in your mouth you can’t get rid of no matter how much you rinse. The whole time you were rinsing your mouth you were forgetting that the source of that taste is deep in your belly.
    I maintain that I will NOT be taking off to see the world. There was an aspect of selfishness in my birth mother that does not course through my veins. I think my heart is more like my birth father’s. I want to help my home…serve in the EEF…and maybe even settle down someday.
    Wednesday, July 4 th
    Today was one of those Fourth of July celebrations that made everybody feel connected. Not just to each other, but

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