Zombified (Episode 1): Wooneyville

Read Zombified (Episode 1): Wooneyville for Free Online

Book: Read Zombified (Episode 1): Wooneyville for Free Online
Authors: Matt Di Spirito
Tags: Zombies
arm.  "A small green car whizzed past this store about twenty minutes before you got here.  It didn't stop, just blew by heading south."
    Joey felt his heart rocket into his throat.  "You're sure?"
    "I'm positive.  It was the only car I'd seen for a while, and it was hard to mistake for anything else."
    "Shit!  She must've been going home!"  Joey sprinted to the hatch and bolted down the ladder.  "I should've gone with my gut!  Damnit, Joe!"  He plunged, half-falling, along the metal stairs and into the loading dock. 
    "Whoa, man, where ya going?"  Gino rushed up as Joey opened the loading dock door.  "Watch it!"
    Zombies pawed at Joey's legs, struggling to clamber into the stockroom.  Joey kicked them away and slid into the truck window.  Gino clubbed at the zombies with his tire iron.  Todd ran up and yanked on the garage door.  A couple of flesh-eaters scampered into the stockroom as the door slammed shut.
    Joey mowed down more of them as he swerved away, smoke billowing from the tires.  He tore through the lot, bumping and bouncing over bodies, and swung out into the street.  He punched the gas; the engine whined in protest.
    "Come on, you piece of shit!"  Joey white-knuckled the wheel, sweat pouring down his neck and back.  He crushed the pedal down, trying to drive it through the floor, but the truck wouldn't break fifty.  "It figures the only car I ever steal is the one that can't break any speed limits! "
    Joey didn't slow up as he approached Market Circle--a broad roundabout lined with restaurants, small businesses, and bars.  The light was red when he spun through, following the roadway around the multi-level parking garage in the center of the circle. 
    He turned the corner at the entrance to the garage and smashed into a wall of bodies and vehicles.  The truck wouldn't stop; momentum carried him forward and Joey's torso was crushed against the wheel, knocking the wind out of him.
    He gasped; the zombies fought through the debris, homing in on him.  There were so many of them, and they were dressed to kill.  Blood dripped from painted lips and ran red over the collar of hundred-dollar shirts.  Joey watched the nightlife of Wooneyville in their element. 
    The three-story nightclub, Riverfront, was dead ahead.  To the right of Riverfront ran the Blackstone River, complete with a fifty-foot waterfall.  He heard the roar of thousands of gallons hammering on rock.  There was no way over the bridge, no way back to his apartment--not in a truck, anyway.
    He leaned back in the seat, rubbing tender ribs.  He saw stars swirling at the edges of sight. 
    They closed in… no less than a hundred of them.  As a clump of zombies broke apart around a tangle of vehicles, Joey spotted Dana's car.  The booger was wrapped around a telephone pole at the mouth of the bridge; the door was open, the interior lights on. 
    But he didn't see a nurse's uniform among the zombies.
    All right you fuckheads .  Joey kicked the door open, biting back the pain as he jumped down from the truck.  I won't be an easy meal .
    They swarmed around him.  The Glock fired in rapid succession; round after round found its mark, puddying zombie heads and lighting up the night.  The magazine clinked to the ground and Joey popped another in the handle.
    He reached to his hip--the machete was gone, still stuck in a head somewhere near Kelly's house.  Joey gripped the Glock in both hands. 
    He backed up as the zombies pressed in; he blasted the runners first, trying to keep an equal distance on all sides.  Another clip clicked in place--he had three more left.  There were more hungry maws than bullets.
    A zombie broke through the knot of shamblers and stacked headless bodies; it ran with abandon straight for Joey.  He turned the gun but knew there wasn't enough time to aim.  The shot caught the zombie's shoulder and spun it around as it impacted on Joey's left leg.  They sprawled to the ground--it

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