Zombified (Book 1): Hudson Place

Read Zombified (Book 1): Hudson Place for Free Online

Book: Read Zombified (Book 1): Hudson Place for Free Online
Authors: Char Robinson
Tags: Zombies
but once Mick got upstairs, he could smell dinner cooking and his stomach rumbled in response. After a large meal of roast beef, potatoes, beans, and cornbread washed down with sweet tea, Dave decided they needed to go over the plan for Shady Oaks again. Mick didn’t mind, although he was beyond tired and sore, he was sure he wouldn’t be able to sleep for awhile. When they were finished, he headed straight for bed to at least try to get some rest. Almost as soon as his head hit the pillow, he was snoring.
    Someone was calling his name. He groaned and tried to turn over, but his arm was being held in place. Groggily, he opened his eyes one at a time and slowly Cindy’s face came into focus.
    “ Mick, honey, you awake now?”
    “ Yeah, whassup,” he mumbled groggily, grimacing as he slowly eased himself into a sitting position. Damn, was he sore!
    “ The power’s gone out and Dave needs your help.” Cindy stood and moved away from the bed so Mick could get up. “I’ve got your clothes right here,” she said as she held them out to him with one hand, the other held a flashlight that was pointed at his midsection.
    As Mick pulled on the jeans first he said, “I’m surprised it hasn’t happened until now.”
    Cindy nodded as she handed him a shirt. “We were lucky, that’s for sure. Dave’s trying to get the generators going and he’s having a bit of a problem. I’m going to go get Charlie in a minute to help, too.”
    “ Go ahead, I’m good,” Mick replied as he struggled to button the blue cotton shirt through sleep-fogged eyes. He decided against shoes, opting instead to slip his feet into his favorite house shoes. He looked up to see Cindy still standing there, staring at him.
    “ I love you - you know,” she replied softly. She walked over and hugged him around the waist. Mitch returned the hug and they stood silently for a moment. He breathed in her scent and his arms tightened around her. “You’ve done so much for all of us,” she continued. “I just want you to know that no matter how bad things may get, if I had to decide on having things the way there were before but I couldn’t have you, or the way it is now, I’d choose now.”
    He leaned back to look her in the eyes. “I love you too, babe.” He kissed her gently on the lips. “We’re going to make it through this, all of us.”
    As he stood gazing at Cindy, Mick couldn’t help but think of how fortunate he was to have her. Married almost thirty one years, they still acted like they were on their honeymoon, which suited Mick just fine. Sure, they’d had their ups and downs, but to him it made their marriage that much stronger.
    Cindy gave him a squeeze, released him, and stepped back with a smile. “You better get going before Dave comes looking for you, I’ll run get Charlie.”
    “ Will do,” he murmured. He grabbed a flashlight out of the night stand and as he followed Cindy out the door, he hoped his reassurances to her proved correct. There were so many unknowns and any one of them could be their downfall.
    Fortunately for the group, Dave had prepared for the eventuality of the electricity failing. He had planned to upgrade to solar panels, but the generators would have to do. With Mick and Charlie’s help, two large generators now hummed on the rooftop under their protective canopies. Power would be rationed in regard to lighting; priority was given to making sure the freezers never stopped running. All the kids loved their video games and TV, but playing/viewing times would now be limited and strictly enforced. Since Lindsey was a teacher they decided that the kids would have class every morning after they had breakfast and did their chores. In the afternoons, everyone would take turns watching the kids and keeping them busy.
    Losing power made Charlie think twice about leaving, but everyone assured him they’d be fine. The day

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