Zombie Team Alpha

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Book: Read Zombie Team Alpha for Free Online
Authors: Steve R. Yeager
Tags: Zombies
and sorting items on a series of folding tables set up in the middle of their company’s warehouse. Both glanced up at Cutter at the same time and nodded. Morgan then brushed a lock of her newly shortened hair over one ear while Gauge grunted and returned to his work.
    “How long until go-time?” Cutter asked, and then slurped his coffee.
    “I need at least another hour,” Morgan answered. “There’s a load of specialized equipment coming in on a charter. Should be here within the hour. I just heard that the G4 is already at the airfield, fueled and ready to go, but I had to make a slight adjustment to our normal crew. Hope that is okay with you.”
    Of course. Cutter trusted her with that and whomever she might have selected to fly him there. Hell, he trusted her with just about everything. He raised his mug and was just about to ask her what she meant by a crew adjustment when—
    “We have one quick stop in Atlanta to pick up Dr. Martinez,” she said before he could speak, “and it’s overseas from there. Got your passport ready, Jack?”
    “Which one?” He had collected quite a few over the years.
    She smiled back, and he let the whole replacement crew matter drop. She knew what she was doing. Her smile quickly faded, and she headed off, typing away one-handed on her small tablet computer.
    He found Gauge checking various weapons arrayed on one of the larger tables in the spacious warehouse. “How we set?”
    The big man looked back and raised an eyebrow. “This is just a quick extraction mission, so I’m thinking we go light this time around. Just like you always say.”
    But Cutter knew that ‘light’ for Gauge held an entirely different meaning than it did for most normal people. But it did fit well with Cutter’s own go in light, get out fast mentality.
    Arrayed on the table before him were a plethora of legal, somewhat illegal, and this-will-put-you-in-prison-for-a-long-long-time weaponry.
    Even as muscular as he was, Gauge struggled a bit to pick up the first of the weapons. “This is a GAU-2/A M134 Minigun. Got this baby made up especially for us. It’s been lightened, and the fire rate has been tweaked down a bit to preserve ammo. But it’s still plenty fast. I also had it fitted with a special battery pack that will—”
    “Looks like it weighs as much as a Buick. You sure you can handle it?”
    Gauge grinned broadly and set the big gun down next to the tripod mount for it. “You have to ask?”
    “And when you pull the trigger the first time and are out of every bit of ammunition you can possibly carry for it in two seconds flat?”
    Gauge shrugged. “Then we leave it with the vehicles.”
    They both moved to the next weapon.
    “Recognize this?”
    Cutter shook his head as if he didn’t, which caused Gauge to smile again.
    “This is a Milkor MGL grenade launcher. Six chambers of 40-millimeter goodness, here. We got a bunch of different projectiles for it—from smoke to flash to fireworks to tweaked-HEDPs, which come with a slightly larger kill radius.”
    “Define ‘slightly larger.’”
    “Oh, maybe seven to ten meters instead of five. Best not to use them at close range, though. They might just bounce around for a while and then go boom in a big way. But they are great for covering your ass in a retreat. Just remember not to fire them too closely and you’ll be okay.”
    “Still seems a little heavy. Got anything more my size?”
    Gauge frowned at that statement and set the shell he had picked up back down on the table next to a long line of others. He reached for the next weapon on the table and picked it up. “This is a Fostech Origin 12. When you want to clear out the room with a lot of boom, this is what I’d recommend. Chews through ammo, though.”
    “Again, a little bulky for me. What else?”
    “Maybe these will do. They are a few of the newest additions.” He picked one up and flipped it to Cutter.
    Cutter caught the weapon and tested the weight. Nice. The

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