Zombie Lovin'
little help.
    “Good morning.”
    The deep male voice shattered the silence.
Terror stole her ability to scream. Spinning around, she got her
feet entangled in the clothing on the floor and landed flat on her
ass. She scrambled crab-style away from the huge bed. The corpse
leaned on its elbow, staring with bright blue—and apparently
    “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you,
Samantha.” Swinging his legs over the mattress, he stood in
glorious male nakedness. She worked her mouth like a dying fish,
trying to find her voice.
    “Who are you?” The words squeaked out. God
Samantha, focus on his face not his …. Her gaze snapped
northward; her nerve endings fired at the warmth in his gaze,
sending a heated shiver over her flesh.
    “I’m Jake,” the stranger said. “I’m surprised
you don’t remember me.”
    “What the hell? I-I thought you were
    His eyes darkened to sapphire. Keep your
eyes north of the border, Samantha. Keep your cool. Her cheeks
flamed, but she refused to appear awkward. At least that was the
    Jake’s smile broadened, flashing perfect
white teeth. “Dead? Well, I see you remember something from
last night.”
    She blinked. “What are you talking about? I
don’t remember anything.”
    He crossed muscular arms over his smooth,
tanned chest and cocked his head. God, his biceps were the size of
her thighs, and she was a curvy girl. She licked her lips and
waited for some sort of explanation.
    His brows knit. “I guess you really don’t
know, do you?”
    “All I remember is going to a club with my
friend, Ella, and drinking some crazy shots. Flaming Kisses? I
believe they were, anyway. Now, I’m here with you. Granted, if we
had wild sex, I do wish I could recall it.” The soreness between
her thighs begged her to remember.

    His eyes glittering, he gave her a smug
smile. “Oh, it was wild. I can give you a do-over if you’d
    She considered his offer. Hell, he was
hotness times ten and it’d be a shame to let perfectly good morning
wood go to waste. But she shook her head with determination. “So
how and where did we meet?”
    He reached a hand out; she realized she still
sat on the floor like an idiot. Eyeing his long, tapered fingers,
she used her own power to rise instead, fearing he’d still be ice
cold—or worse—she’d drag him to the floor and have her way with him
before she got her answers.
    “You were pretty wasted by the time I got to
the club. But I’m ashamed to say I was, too.” He flashed another
pearly smile, and her pussy responded. She squeezed her thighs
together; no doubt about it, her vibrator would need new batteries
when she got home from her trip. Hell, she’d wear it out and have
to buy a brand new one.
    “We ended up taking a cab here.”
    Made sense, but she had the strange feeling
there was much more to the story.
    Another concern popped forefront in her mind.
“Oh crap, did we use a condom?” She looked around, hoping to see a
discarded foil wrapper. A flash of memory popped into her
mind— on my knees, his fingers tangled in my hair as I took his
glans to the back of my throat .
    “No, what’s the point?”
    She gaped, snapped back to the present.
“W-what do you mean what’s the point? What about diseases? I’m on
the pill, and no offense or anything, but…but….”
    He lifted a hand to silence her. “Samantha,
there’s something I should tell you. Diseases aren’t an issue when
you’re dead.”
    Slack jawed once more, she stared into his
serious face. “Come again?”
    “I’m dead,” he stated with no hint of
    Seconds stretched between them, before she
formed a reply. “No…crazy perhaps, but you’re very much alive.” She
nodded her head to emphasize her point. Her gaze cast down his
body. Mistake. Shit, he’s hung like a sex god . She found his
jeans and pitched the pair in his direction. He gave in and tugged
them up his long legs, leaving the top button undone—to

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