Zeno: #8 (Luna Lodge)
hall and back to her room. They tossed her in and once again clicked the lock behind her.
    Ava took deep breaths, trying to steady her nerves. Who knew how long until Antonio assaulted her? She couldn’t involve anyone else, or they’d be hurt. She’d have to escape without any help. A wave of fear passed through her.
    Her gaze flicked up to the clock. She didn’t have time for fear. She needed to get moving.

Chapter Six
    Zeno moved in the shadows of the building, making sure to stay out of the path of the guards.
    He’d spent the rest of the day watching them. Damn amateurs. Their predictable paths never seemed to deviate. It was surprising to him that Antonio didn’t have better security, but maybe being on top had made him lazy. Judging by what they’d heard in the restaurant, Antonio had the locals so cowed they wouldn’t dare even think of opposing him.
    Didn’t matter. This wasn’t about a challenge or proving himself. He needed every advantage, and lazy guards and arrogance were both to Zeno’s advantage. They’d provide the edge he need. After all, this wasn’t an attack mission, it was a rescue mission. The cover of darkness would allow him to infiltrate the building and have Ava out before Antonio even realized she was missing.
    He took in a deep breath. A hauntingly familiar scent drifted into his nose. Ava was close. He looked up to find the window was much higher than he had expected. The house had been carved into the side of a large hill, which afforded the occupants the best view money could buy. However, it also meant that what was the ground floor in front was the second floor in the back.
    Zeno grumbled to himself. Seemed like everything was always harder than it needed to be. Still, he needed to get Ava away from Antonio. He bit back a growl, remembering the man’s aggression.
    He jumped and gripped the ledge with his fingers. Pulling himself up, he looked into the window. Pink, pink, and more pink. He assumed that was Ava’s room. Whether it was to her taste or Antonio’s perception of her taste didn’t matter. All that mattered was that he’d located her.
    He breathed in deeply. Ava’s sweet and somewhat spicy scent filled his nostrils, along with a strong hint of vanilla. Familiar, desirable. She called to him, like he’d known her all his life.
    He scanned the room, but it seemed to be empty. He started to lower himself when he caught sight of movement just to the right of him. He watched as a slim bare foot disappeared into an old open vent.
    A light brown sun-streaked head peeked out from the vent. He watched as Ava sealed herself into the vent.
    He frowned. Just what they hell was that woman up to?
    Zeno leaned back and glanced to the side, tracing her likely path. Another window ledge presented itself.
    He swung over and gripped the ledge. With ease he lifted the window and slipped into the dark room. Even in the dim light, his keen hybrid eyesight informed him he was in some sort of office.
    The grate to the vent quietly slipped off. Ava made her way out. The red satin evening dress she wore clung to her like a glove, and he felt his pants tighten.
    His face heated as he struggled to get his lust under control. How was he supposed to rescue her with a raging hard-on? Let alone talk to her?
    He pressed himself back into the shadows as she moved over to the desk. She struggled with one of the drawers before it popped open. She grunted in frustration as she shut the drawer and moved on to the next. Whatever it was she was looking for was in those drawers, and with the noise she was making, they’d be discovered before they even had a chance to escape.
    Footsteps down the hall sounded. His pulse ripped through him.
    In an instant he was on her, his hand over her delicate mouth.
    Zeno pulled her hard against his body and pushed them to the far side of the room, away from the light of the door. Ava picked up her arm. The gleam of the moon caught the letter opener she held

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