Zectas Volume IV: The Salubrious City of Centzo
slaughtered them. Once a werewolf got its claws on an Armored Farmer, it wouldn’t stop slashing his body until it finished its job.

Enraged, Stark swung his glaive with both hands and severed the arm of one of the werewolves. The lycanthrope screamed in pain, and before it could retaliate, Stark's glaive came at it once again and relieved the monster of its head.

Even though werewolves are Therianthropes, they are still classified as beast-type monsters. As such, they are susceptible to the Maneators and the Hunters' Scourge of the Beast ability.

The Strafe team quickly fired their arrows at the werewolves slaughtering the southern Gate, but their attack speed was slower, as it took them longer to aim properly and avoid friendly fire. Members of the Illusion team followed suit and came to the aid of the southern Gate. Sharanga's falcon steadily released its master's five-trap systems on the monsters, while Sharanga herself was steadily firing her arrows. Laernea and Gandiva's stag moose and Durcules beetles put their antlers and horns to good use and impaled some of the werewolves with them. The Lioumereans rode closer to the werewolves and fired their arrows at them at close range, drawing their attention away from the dying southern Gate members.

As soon as the extraordinary fighters killed a couple of lycanthropes, the werewolves started to huddle together and backed away. After these core members of Vagrant Vigilantez secured the Bulwark, they checked the number of casualties and found that ten Acolytes, twenty Iron Knights and a little more than a hundred Armored Farmers were missing from the battlefield.

Adder and his Balance team members finally arrived as the Vigilantez and seventy werewolves were at a momentary standstill.

Sharur hurriedly asked Adder, "What about the Brandals at the center?"

"Don't worry, Sierra and Ledur's teams are there to help Rasant. There are only less than two hundred bandits left." replied Adder, with his eyes fixated on the new enemies.

The number of Vigilantez members in the southern part of the forest was a little over five hundred. Although they had the advantage in numbers, the Armored Farmers and Bowed Fishermen were no match for Werewolves in one-on-one fights.

Slowly, the werewolf pack moved to the sides to make way for a brown and a black werebear to step forward.


The black, female werebear let out a loud roar before speaking. "Werewolves! Today, I, Vexant, your Alpha mistress, shall lead you to glory! We shall feast upon Smoke's army and leave nothing behind but their bones!"


The werewolves howled in unison. Vexant then turned to the brown werebear and told him, "Tracas, you deal with the Warrior riding on a dirus wolf."

The brown werebear nodded and fixated on Adder.

Vexant then yelled "Charge!" and the therianthropes all rushed towards the Vigilantez. She decided on Stark as her target. The three-meter-tall red Maneator swung his glaive in a wide arc but missed the werebear's head. Vexant counterattacked with a Double Slash and knocked Stark back into the Armored Farmers behind him.

The brown werebear called Tracas blocked numerous arrows with his arms and came face-to-face with Adder. He took a wide swing at Adder with his claws but hit nothing but air, as the Condortlian Warrior had already leapt off of his mount.

Adder brought down the full force of his BlitzSturm on the brown werebear's left shoulder. Tracas reflexively countered with his right claw, slashing Adder across his chest and knocking him to the ground.

The Centaur Rangers and Condortlian Warriors tried to help their team leader, but forty-five werewolves were keeping them occupied.

Adder hurriedly stood up and faced the brown werebear while his subordinates around him fought frantically for their lives. He charged straight for the werebear, with his massive BlitzSturm over his left shoulder. His double-bladed sword slashed the werebear's paws and

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