Zectas Volume IV: The Salubrious City of Centzo
should do. Not willing to go back and face the werewolves, or stay still and slowly die to arrow attacks, some of them tried their luck against the traps and blindly charged forward.


The Brandals' life bars were left with less than 30% after they triggered more explosive traps. Sharanga, together with a hundred mounted Bowed Fishermen, proceeded to finish off the catatonic bandits that were left standing in front of them.

    * * * * * * 
    The strike force’s morale was at an all-time high and spurred them to fight the Brandals aggressively. In general, the bandits had less than 50% on their life bars at the moment.

The ten Captains who were in the middle of the entrapment were slaughtered by Sierra's werewolves, which left the bandits disorganised. They aimed their swords and knives at the gaps between the round shields of Armored Farmers, but even when they managed to inflict significant damage to them, Heal Balls would mend the wounds of the injured Armored Farmers no less than a couple of seconds later. Realising that they could not win against them, the bandits caught in Sierra's trap fought desperately to escape with their lives.

The black ctenosaur riders in the front suddenly felt sharp claws trample over their shoulders, as their comrades' mounts were trying to climb over them and use them as stepping stones to get past the wall of Armored Farmers. One of the lizards that managed to leap through was instantly met with a red Maneator's glaive. Stark's glaive pierced through the black ctenosaur’s stomach and sliced its body in half. The other Brandals who got past the Gate immediately went after Stark, but they were quickly blasted away by Sharur's bolts. Supported by Stark's Bulwark and the Acolytes inside it, Sharur's southern Gate plowed through the struggling bandits.

They arrived at the western side of the forest just in time to witness the Lioumereans killing off the last surviving Captain in the area. The Armored Farmers shouted as they advanced and took the Brandals by surprise. The Bowed Fishermen used this opportunity to release more of their water arrows, which penetrated the backs of the black ctenosaur riders. The Lioumereans and the mounted Bowed Fishermen moved to the sides closer to the center of the trap.

Sharur took a glance at the eastern side and found that Sharanga had already subdued most of the bandits there. He then heard Stark call out his name, "Sharur, Stark can't believe how easy this is." The red Maneator let out steam through his nostrils and huffed, "Stark remember Brandals to be stronger. Stark must have became really stronger instead. Hmmpf!"

"Well, this is Sierra's plan, after all." said Sharur with a proud smile on his face.

"Rasant is doing good at the center. Stark can't believe how he survived on his own." said the red Maneator.

Sharur then pointed to Adder and his team of Centaurs and Warriors, "They had the support of Balance team the whole time."

The red Maneator let out a boisterous laugh. "Does Sharur think next battle will be this successful?"

"Definitely! With Sierra leading us, I'm sure the next fight is going to be a breeze. When we get more Acolytes, we'll be even..." he stopped mid-sentence after he saw Adder and his team charging towards them at full speed. He searched around to see what made the Balance team look so rattled. Then, when he turned around, he finally saw the reason. A pack of werewolves was almost upon the Bulwark team behind him. And these weren’t Sierra’s.

The open area in southern Gate’s formation was filled with bloodthirsty lycanthropes in no time at all. Forty of them engaged the Iron Knights who were protecting the Acolytes, while twenty jumped over them and went straight for the healers. The Armored Farmers on the sides of the formation instantly went to help the Bulwark, but forty more werewolves spread out and

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