Z-Minus (Book 4)

Read Z-Minus (Book 4) for Free Online

Book: Read Z-Minus (Book 4) for Free Online
Authors: Perrin Briar
Tags: Zombies
here, playing, fighting, arguing. A true dysfunctional family.
    “I see I’m just in time for the orgy,” a voice said.
    They all turned to see a new face appear around the door. Their smiles fell. This face was long and thin, a tall figure with gaunt eyes. It wasn’t Roach. His name was Daoud.
    “I’ll be top,” he said. “I don’t do well at submission.”
    John sat on the edge of his bed, all mirth gone. He sucked his teeth. Jacob dropped his bag on his bunk.
    An uncomfortable pause.
    “Nice to see you all too,” Daoud said.
    “I’m starving,” John said, ignoring Daoud. “Any of you boys fancy a bland meal courtesy of the military’s skill-less cooks?”
    “When you put it like that how can I refuse?” Jacob said.
    “Mark?” John said.
    “I’ll go see the CO,” Mark said. “See what we’re doing here.”
    “Suit yourself,” John said.
    He and Jacob left, tossing a dirty glance at Daoud.
    “I can see making friends is going to be a tall order,” Daoud said.
    “Can you blame them?” Mark said icily. “I wouldn’t get too comfortable.”
    He pushed the door open. It banged closed.

    Mark took a breath to steady himself and opened the door. A man about Mark’s height sat behind a large desk. He looked solid, immovable. Command oozed from his every movement, a man used to being in charge.
    “Ah, Mark,” Major Edwards said. “I needed to speak to you about-”
    “Is this some kind of joke?” Mark said.
    “Excuse me?” Major Edwards said.
    “Having him on our team,” Mark said.
    “I’ll have to look over our training system,” Major Edwards said. “It appears it was a mistake to remove manners from the itinerary.”
    “Major-” Mark said.
    “The last time I checked, and I check rather often, I was your senior officer,” Major Edwards said. “By several ranks, I might add.”
    Mark gritted his teeth. He knew he was wrong, but his anger made him hasty.
    “Sir-” he said.
    “You’ll speak when spoken to,” Major Edwards said. “Shut the door.”
    Mark turned, his movements stiff. It took every ounce of his self-control not to slam it. The major kept Mark waiting while he read his document. Mark turned his head to the side. Now that his anger was sated, he was annoyed with himself. Getting angry – particularly at Major Edwards – was never a viable road to success.
    Taking Mark’s calm attitude as a starting pistol, the major finished reading, put the folder down on the desk, and interwove his fingers.
    “Now,” he said. “Let’s have a grown-up conversation without forgetting proper protocol shall we? How can I help you, soldier?”
    “Sir, forgive my earlier outburst,” Mark said. “I was just pulled in from leave and my temper was a little short. I meant no offense.”
    “Accepted,” Major Edwards said. “In response to your earlier comment, no, this is not a joke.”
    The comment stoked Mark’s temper.
    “It’s bad enough you pull us back after just a few hours on leave, but teaming us up with Daoud?” Mark said. “Why didn’t you recruit Roach?”
    “Take a seat,” Major Edwards said.
    “I’d prefer to stand,” Mark said.
    The major drummed his fingers on his desk. Mark took a deep breath to calm himself and then sat down.
    “My first choice for sniper was naturally Roach,” Major Edwards said. “You know each other inside out, work well together, but unfortunately… he’s not available.”
    “Not available?” Mark said.
    That didn’t sound like the Roach he knew. He was the first to volunteer for a mission, the first to leap into danger.
    The major opened his mouth, before closing it and shifting in his chair. Major Edwards was not a man to reconsider his words often. Mark’s stomach plummeted.
    “I’ve been debating about how much to tell you,” Major Edwards said. “I wanted you to keep your mind completely on your task. But now you’re here, I can see it’s wrong to keep the truth from you.”

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