Z-Burbia 4: Cannibal Road
    “Bunk houses?” Kramer asked.
    “Last question before I ask mine,” Stuart warned. “Jace?”
    “The bed of the haul truck is gigantic. We’ve converted several mobile homes and placed them in the bed as shelter for when we have to stop and sleep. It took some doing, but we managed and there is room for all of us. It’ll be cramped, but we can sleep soundly without worrying about Zs getting us.”
    “Yes, wouldn’t want the Zs to get you,” Kramer grinned.
    “What happened to Kansas City?” Stuart asked.
    “Oh, they played with matches and got burned,” Kramer said. “There was a group in their midst that was not satisfied with staying a defensive community and insisted on developing better offensive capabilities. Unfortunately, they refused to listen to my counsel and the results were fatal.”
    “They were building a bomb and it detonated on them?” John asked.
    “They were trying to adapt several missiles and it was a little more complicated than they first thought,” Kramer said. “Luckily, I was asked to leave the Combine before the incident occurred. I had gotten several miles away when I saw the explosion.”
    “Bullshit,” Elsbeth said. “Smack him.”
    “I don’t think he’s lying, El,” John said. “He’s holding back information, but he isn’t lying.”
    “He is lying and you need to smack him,” Elsbeth insisted. “Smack him hard.”
    “How about I let you rethink your answer before you get a smack then?” Stuart asked Kramer.
    “Yes, that would be rather polite of you,” Kramer said. “Perhaps I misspoke when describing the incident. It may not have been an accident and could have been related to why I left.”
    “Did you set those missiles to blow?” John asked. “Are you the reason Kansas City doesn’t exist anymore?”
    “Possibly,” Kramer said. “I did warn them about the dangers of working with such materials. And maybe I wasn’t asked to leave so much as I escaped. There may also be a chance I did not give them one crucial piece of information regarding the correct way to arm the missiles.”
    “You let them blow themselves up,” Stuart stated. “How many people were in the Combine?”
    “Hard to say,” Kramer shrugged. “But not a one was a friend to me.”
    “Sounds like you ain’t never had no friends,” Critter said. “And sounds like any folk that are stupid enough to get involved with you ends up dead.”
    “I have had a long spell of unfortunate occurrences,” Kramer said. “But I swear on my soul that I’m here to help you folks and will do everything in my power to keep you from coming to harm.”
    “I don’t think any of us believe that,” Stuart said. “Now, how about you tell us your connection to Elsbeth? She’s said a little of what she remembers, but I’d like to hear it from your end. Why did you have those girls?”
    “I was hired to,” Kramer said. “There are people in this world that play at games with stakes so high that your little Holler here doesn’t even register to them. At least not until you made it register.”
    “What people? Governments?” Stuart asked. “Were you hired by the US government to experiment on those girls?”
    “The US government?” Kramer laughed. “That puppet organization is completely useless when it comes to actually getting things done that need to get done. I was hired by a select few that wanted to make sure the government,any government, could not interfere in their plans.”
    “Some type of cabal?” Stuart asked. “Just spill it, Kramer. Stop making me drag it out of you. Who were these people that had you kidnap those girls?”
    Kramer sighed and his eyes found Elsbeth’s. The two locked glares for a long while before Kramer finally turned his attention back to Stuart.
    “Not one of those girls was kidnapped,” Kramer said. “They were given to me by their families. But one of the families decided they didn’t want to be a part of my program anymore and

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