Young Samurai 06 - The Ring of Fire

Read Young Samurai 06 - The Ring of Fire for Free Online

Book: Read Young Samurai 06 - The Ring of Fire for Free Online
Authors: Chris Bradford
night was the first time he’d enjoyed an undisturbed sleep in weeks. At this rate, it would only take him a few days to recover his full strength.
    Neko, now his constant companion, was waiting outside. Sora also joined him on his stroll down to the village pond. As Jack passed other homes, he was greeted with respectful bows and kindly looks, and it was clear the farmers had accepted him into their community. Although he could never truly be a part of Japanese society, there were moments like this when the barriers dropped and Jack felt like he belonged – just as he always did at Akiko’s side. His thoughts went out to his closest friend and Jack prayed she was safe and well. Kazuki had vowed revenge on Akiko for disabling his sword hand with an arrow during the Battle of Osaka Castle. Yet despite having recently saved his rival’s life in return for the promise of her safety, Jack didn’t trust Kazuki. That’s why he’d sent his friend Hana to warn Akiko, while Jack left clues along his route, so that his arch-rival would track him down instead.
    ‘Are you all right?’ enquired Sora, noticing the frown on Jack’s face.
    Jack nodded. ‘I’m concerned for my friends.’
    ‘Aren’t we all?’ he replied mournfully.
    Jack studied Sora’s despairing expression and sensed an inconsolable loss in the old man’s heart. But it wasn’t just him. On reflection, Jack realized that all the farmers bore a similar air of grief. He’d put this down to the impending threat posed by Akuma, but even the children in the square were solemn and unusually subdued.
    It was then Jack noticed there were hardly any young girls – only mothers and their smallest children.
    ‘Where are the girls of your village?’
    Sora sniffed. ‘All gone.’
    ‘You mean, to market?’
    ‘No, abducted.’
    Jack was stopped in his tracks. ‘Who abducted them?’
    ‘Akuma! Who else?’ spat Sora, clenching his fists in futile rage. ‘He took my only daughter.’
    Sora began to sob uncontrollably at the memory.
    ‘The first two years … Akuma only stole our rice … leaving us barely enough to survive … But last winter … he kidnapped our girls to become the bandits’ slaves!’
    ‘Do you know where they took them?’ asked Jack, appalled at this news.
    ‘No. We searched for months, but the bandits’ camp is hidden somewhere deep in the mountains. Our girls are lost forever!’
    Sora wiped the tears from his eyes and fell into a shuddering silence.
    For the first time, Jack truly appreciated the suffering Akuma and his bandits had delivered upon this innocent community. Not only had they taken the food out of the farmers’ mouths but the life and soul from the village itself.
    ‘Perhaps Akuma won’t come this year,’ said Jack, trying to console the old farmer.
    ‘He will,’ replied Sora. ‘Black Moon always does.’

    ‘So what’s the story with Neko?’ asked Jack as the three of them walked round the pond, its rim encrusted with ice and snow. ‘She’s still here.’
    Neko looked up expectantly at Jack, somehow aware that he was talking about her.
    ‘The bandits didn’t want her ,’ replied Sora, with uncharacteristic bitterness.
    ‘Neko’s parents must be thankful.’
    Sighing heavily, Sora revealed, ‘Her parents were killed in the first raid.’
    ‘So who looks after her now?’
    ‘No one. She’s an orphan of the village. We all take care of her, but Neko remains a painful reminder of our loss.’
    Jack felt his outrage boil over. Neko had lost all that was dear to her, just as he had. But at least he’d been fortunate enough to have friends like Akiko, Yamato and Yori to turn to. She had no one to comfort her. Knowing the torment she would have suffered alone, Jack felt his resolve harden. This Akuma was cruel and merciless – worse than a devil.
    ‘I must return to Okayama,’ stated Jack, much to Sora’s alarm.
    ‘B-b-but you can’t go yet!’
    ‘Don’t worry, I’ll be

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