You Will Know Me

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Book: Read You Will Know Me for Free Online
Authors: Megan Abbott
them fell ill, a substitute worker arrived in the form of Coach T.’s pool boy, a lean-hipped young man named Ryan Beck.
    This was how Ryan came into their world.

Chapter Three
    The Foot might have been an end. Instead, it turned out to be the beginning. The Fall might have been an end too, were it not for the Pit, which offered a second chance.
    But the Pit brought Ryan Beck. And Ryan Beck, that sweet, chipped-tooth, handsome young man—well, he ruined everything in his own way.
    Walking into BelStars with Drew, Katie caught her first glimpse of Ryan, with his long tanned arms swinging a piece of rebar like a baton, laughing at something one of the workers had said. Ryan was always laughing.
    Over the next two weeks, everyone came to watch the construction of the pit. And to see Ryan.
    Each morning, he stripped down to his undershirt, jeans hanging low on his waist, and climbed down into the pit, eight feet beneath the gym floor. And then it began, all the gymnasts, ages seven to seventeen, making excuses to visit, taking turns peeking over the pit edge, hoping for one of his smiles. And many of the booster moms too.
    But it turned out Ryan was already taken, by Hailey, everyone’s new favorite tumbling coach, who tended with such care to the younger girls, hands on their curling spines, their sprigged thighs, somersaulting them. The pair had been spotted sharing French fries at the Sundae House, their foreheads nearly pressed together, like Archie and Veronica.
    “I’m glad for Hailey,” Gwen said, and all the mothers agreed. Because Hailey was adored, and no one knew why she had so much trouble keeping a boyfriend.
    Soon enough, Hailey started coming to the gym too, arriving in her sprightly purple car and sitting in the bleachers as Ryan worked and leaving only when practice required her to. Finally the other girls got the hint and stayed away.
    Only little Drew remained.
    He was supposed to be in the game room, but Katie and Eric found him hovering a few feet from all the activity, watching the concrete mixer spin and whir.
    Inside the pit, Katie could see the back of Ryan’s head, the delicate curve of his neck. Earbuds in, he smoothed the concrete with the power trowel, his arms floating back and forth gracefully.
    “Ryan said it was okay to watch,” Drew told them, “if I stand back just this far.”
    “Well, he doesn’t know,” Eric said, pulling Drew away by his jacket hood. “He’s just a kid. He doesn’t know what’s safe.”
    As if he had heard, Ryan glanced up at them but only grinned.
    Looking down, Katie wondered how deep they would go, digging that pit. How deep Teddy and Eric would make them go.
    Ryan seemed down so far that he might disappear.
    After that, while Eric took Devon to practice, enduring her stony silences, Katie chaperoned Drew at BelStars to view the progress: the installation of the rebar grid, the curing and coating of the walls, the padding on the edges glued and screwed down. And the best part, the filling of the pit with the vivid-colored foam cubes, cobalt and gold, tumbling down into it like alphabet blocks.
    “You sure are a nice mom,” Ryan once shouted up at her. “Bringing your boy every day.”
    Katie smiled, her face warm.
    The grand opening of the pit took place on the final day of the Olympics.
    As benefactor, Gwen led the christening, tossing in the final foam block, spray-painted gold by the Level 3s. Then her nine-year-old daughter, Lacey, leaped toward the runway, ready to perform the inaugural vault. But Gwen quickly put both hands on Lacey’s tiny shoulders, patting her white-blond braids and pulling her aside as all paths cleared for Devon.
    Of course Devon, their star, would be first. And more than one hundred gym members, relatives, and supporters watched as she took the floor, shaking her fingers, breathing deeply. She hadn’t vaulted since the Disappointment. Since qualifiers. Would she now?
    Lacey’s alarming white eyebrows

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