You Only Love Twice
play out.”
    The Joule was right through that alley. All the answers were
right there. It was one of those swanky places he always felt uncomfortable in.
If she was meeting a lover there, he likely had money because a place like that
didn’t come cheap.
    Why would she lie to him? Why would she go out with him if
she had someone else?
    It explained a lot when he thought about it. She wouldn’t go
to bed with him because she had someone else. The bigger question was why she
wouldn’t just tell him. Maybe her lover had been the one to send the text.
    “She’s moving to a room. I think it’s on the fifth floor,”
Jake said. “Adam, get me a number. Tag, you can move in.”
    They were all moving in, all playing a part in catching his
girlfriend cheating on him. The humiliation didn’t seem to stop. The minute he
thought he was fitting in and his life was moving in the right direction, he
got this shit.
    Jealousy burned in his gut, but more than that, he was mad.
All she’d had to tell him was she wasn’t interested. She could have been
honest, and then they wouldn’t have this god-awful scene that was playing out.
    “I’ve got the room number. 512. Adam, can you get me in?”
Jake asked. “I’ve got Tag and Alex with me. We’re getting in the elevator now.”
    He was done. He touched his comm and started walking. He
turned right down the alley as he spoke. “Don’t you get it, guys? She’s fucking
someone in that room. Leave her be. I’ll sit in the lobby until she comes down
and we’ll have a talk about what it means to string a guy along.”
    “Jesse!” Simon yelled, the sound coming from both his comm
and behind him.
    He was so fucking done with this. She was cheating on him.
Not really since they’d never actually had sex, but he’d kind of thought they were
involved. It went to show how stupid he was. He was going to look even stupider
if Tag took down Phoebe and her boyfriend in the middle of their afternoon
    He made it halfway to Main Street when he knew someone was
watching him. He stopped under the awning of the Mexican place and looked up at
the hotel. What room had they said she was in?
    And that was when he noticed the red dot on his chest.
    She wasn’t cheating on him. She was setting him up for a
kill. She was in that hotel. Maybe she’d even sent the text. In those seconds
he stood there, the truth hit him. She’d never wanted him and now she wanted
him dead.
    She was watching him. She was hiding in the recesses of that
hotel room with a sniper rifle. She hadn’t had the guts to take him out face to
face. No. She’d put a scope between them like he was an animal she was hunting.
    “What the fuck are you waiting for Phoebe?” he yelled at the
top of his lungs. “You want me? You want to take me out? Do it!”
    He put his arms out so she had the best target possible.
    Everything he’d survived and it had come down to this. A
weariness settled over him and Jesse accepted the truth. He’d fought and fought
to live and now he was going to stand here and let her do her worst.
    He didn’t want to live in a world where she betrayed him. He
simply didn’t.


    Phoebe’s breath caught as Jesse stopped in the middle of the
sidewalk. Her hands were shaking. They never shook. She was always cool as a
cucumber when she was on assignment. She went into what she liked to call “work
mode.” The minute she’d gotten the signal that she had an assignment, her brain
shifted to a place where all of the emotional shit fell away and a cool
precision took over.
    She wouldn’t admit it to Ten, but the McKay-Taggart
assignment had been difficult in a way they never could have expected. She’d
walked into that office expecting to spend her time figuring out how Taggart
worked and how he fit in with Jesse Murdoch. It should have been simple. The
workplace was often where her ops took her. She really did have a degree in
accounting. It gave her insight into money situations

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