Yield to Me
gown, curling around the delicate fabric. “Sure you do. If security
opens that door, I want them taking in the scene of two people so engrossed
with each other that they don’t know what’s going on around them.”
    “Please don’t,” Sophie whispered
sharply, realizing what he was about to do. Her hands pressed against his
chest, the heat of his solid flesh beneath her palms sent a current of sharp
awareness through her body, which she promptly ignored. She lowered her gaze,
taking in the contrast of her scarlet-tipped nails buried in the sprinkle of
crisp, black hair covering his chest. “I’ll cooperate!” she promised desperately,
feeling his fingers tugging at the material as though testing its strength.
“That’s what you want, isn’t it?” She held her breath, watching his gold eyes
flicker with hesitation.
    His expression revealed he wasn’t
sure he could trust her, yet she was finally rewarded with a deep sigh of
resignation. “If you double-cross me…”
    “I won’t, I promise.” Sophie wasn’t
stupid. Nodding eagerly, she began to relax. But that turned out to be a
mistake. Instead of letting go, Brent’s hands gave a sharp tug, pulling the
halter loose from the back of her neck.
    Her astonished gasp echoed
throughout the room. Glancing down with reluctance, she was thankful to see the
action had only bared her shoulders. One hand flew to her breasts to make sure
the material remained there. “Why…” That was as far as she got. Voices outside
their room indicated company had arrived.
    “Let’s see if you know the true
meaning of teamwork.” Brent lowered his face to hers as he spoke, forcing her
further into the pillow, but there was no escaping him. The warmth of his
breath caused a shiver to run through her.
    “What do you want me to do?” Her
words came out low and breathless, barely registering.
    “Put your arms around me,” he
demanded softly, watching her closely.
    Put my arms around him? Sophie gulped,
reluctantly doing as she was told and praying there was nothing else.
    “Now pucker up, princess, and kiss
me like you mean it.” His mouth was hovering over hers, so close Sophie could
feel his breath against her trembling lips.
    Kiss him? Her eyes grew round at his
command but before she could utter a protest, his mouth closed firmly over
hers, stealing her breath away. The crazy thought flashed through her mind that
if all he wanted was a kiss, she could cope with that. Only when he deepened
his sensual attack she felt him slowly lower his weight against her.
    If he thought she wouldn’t notice
what he was doing then he was in for a big surprise. Furious at his boldness
and feeling betrayed by his action, she began to squirm like an eel out of
water; trying everything, she could to dislodge him. When nothing seemed to
work, she moved her hands between them, pushing against his chest. Using her
nails like lethal weapons, she raked his flesh, getting an immediate response
out of him.
    He pulled back, sucking in his
breath, his eyes blazing. “You little witch!”
    “You’re taking advantage…”
    They both stilled when they heard
Tom say in an overloud tone, “I’m telling you, there’s no one in the bedroom
except my brother and sister-in-law.”
    A glimmer of hope filled Sophie. If
the security guards didn’t pick up on Tom’s obvious nervousness, then they
weren’t very good at their jobs. Before she had a chance to react to their
muted responses, Brent slammed his mouth down on hers. She found her wrists
grabbed and brought over her head. He clamped them together in one hand, using
his other to reach for the edge of the comforter.
    At least he was showing some
consideration to the implied intimacy of their situation, even if it was for
show. Yet knowing that didn’t keep Sophie from struggling against him. If
security opened the door she wanted them to see she wasn’t a willing
participant, in spite of telling Brent she’d cooperate. Instincts warned her

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