
Read Wray for Free Online

Book: Read Wray for Free Online
Authors: M.K. Eidem
Tags: Family, Tradition, Sci-Fi, love, commitment, strength, romance scifi, loyal
than themselves. They were good friends of the Tornians.”
    “What changed them?” Kim couldn’t stop
herself from asking.
    “The great infection affected their minds,
warping them to the point that everything they once despised became
what they most desired. They began to prey on the weaker species in
the universes, capturing them so they could enjoy the pain they
inflicted until they sold them. It is why their ships are banned
from the Tornian Empire.”
    “They were going to sell me? Make me a
    “Yes. It is how they survive now. They sell
the males they capture to the mines and the females to pleasure
    “Pleasure houses...” she whispered.
    “Yes. They knew it would be an automatic
death sentence if we found you. It is why they hid you away.”
    “Why me?” Kim asked, her eyes filling with
the remembered horror of what she had survived as she looked at
Wray. “Why did they take me ?”
    “Because you are beautiful.” Wray said before
he could stop himself.
    “Beautiful?” Kim shook her head in denial;
maybe once she had been vain enough to think she was pretty but
beautiful… never. Jen was the beauty of the family. She’d received
her father’s height, her mother’s white blond hair and stunning
blue eyes. Kim had received her father’s unruly red hair, his green
eyes and her mother’s compact frame. No, she would never be
considered beautiful, especially not after the damage the Ganglians
had caused.
    “Yes,” Wray told her firmly, “beautiful and
rare, to have hair the color of fire….” His voice trailed off as
his eyes ran over the amazing locks.
    “It’s just red.” Kim whispered in denial.
    “It is alive with fire. Your skin is as pale
and soft as the Moonflower and your eyes….” Wray looked deep into
them seeing her shock at his words. “Your eyes are the color of the
rarest gaspeite. You would have brought a great deal at a slave
    “I wouldn’t have lived that long.” She
    Kim’s barely uttered words brought Wray up
short. No , she wouldn’t have, she would
have died on that stinking Ganglian ship and he never would have
known such an exquisite creature existed. He surged to his feet,
    Kim screamed, falling off the rock as Wray
surged to his feet, growling fiercely and knew she was about to
die. There was no way she could defend herself against him.
    Wray froze when Kim screamed and watched her
fall off the rock , her eyes full of
terror. Oh , Goddess , what had he done? Where was his legendary control?
He never revealed his emotions, never allowed others
to know when he was upset, but with this female… from the moment he
discovered her crammed in that compartment, he was unable to
control his emotions. Sucking in a deep breath, he tried to
reassure her.
    “I am sorry , Kim,”
unfortunately his voice came out rough and still full of rage,
“please do not be afraid of me. I would release my own life before
I would ever harm you.”
    “You… you…" she stuttered, trying to sink
into the wall, ignoring the rocks jabbing her in the back.
    “I was angry. Not at you,” he quickly
injected, “at the Ganglians, for what they did to you. It should
never have been allowed.” Wray forced himself to take a step back,
giving her the room she needed when all he wanted to do was bring
her close.
    “Can they find us here?” Kim asked finding
she could breathe easier once he stepped back. “Before your people
    “Who? The Ganglians?” Wray frowned and saw
her nod. “Kim…” his voice finally gentled as his rage left him,
replaced by disgust, at himself, for not explaining things better
to her. “The Ganglians that captured you are dead. They will never
harm you again.”
    “D… Dead?”
    “Yes. I should have explained this better to
    “But we crashed... you said we were
    “We were, I don’t know by whom yet, but it
wasn’t the Ganglians who took you, you have my vow. You

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