Worth the Risk
Global Site’s been around a long time, son.”
    “Exactly. That’s why you need me. My staff is young, energetic. We’re looking at preservation in new ways. The climate is changing, and I mean that philosophically as well as environmentally. We’re working on and applying cutting edge ways to preserve monuments with sustainable resources.” Dean tried not to bounce in his seat, but talking about this got him fired up. “I’ve got interns with innovative course concentrations in architecture, project planning, advocacy, and fieldwork. The ideas they’re flinging at me are phenomenal.”
    A small smile spread across his father’s face. “I never doubted you’d lead us into a future that keeps tradition but sets new standards.”
    The compliment—the first in a long time—reminded Dean that when his dad wanted to, he could motivate anyone. Employees worldwide looked to him for guidance and respected his vast knowledge.
    “I learned from the best,” Dean said.
    “That you did.” He leaned forward onto his desk. “Now tell me the specifics.”
    “The PowerPoint’s in your inbox. Want to pull it up?”
    “I’ll read it over the weekend.”
    A moment of disappointment hit Dean. He’d hoped for a quick answer. A “you’re hired” before they’d finished speaking. But that wasn’t realistic. Samantha had probably supplied a written presentation and it was only fair his dad give equal attention to both.
    “We want to kick off in Texas with teams heading east and west simultaneously. With additional cooperation from the Route 66 associations in Arizona and Missouri, specialized teams will hit every National Register site, building, structure, object, and district.”
    “You see fanning out as the best way to approach it?”
    “Absolutely. By commissioning crews to work concurrently, we’ll draw more attention to our efforts. In addition, the scope of work will benefit from communication between teams on what’s working and what might not be.”
    “You’re talking about a lot of manpower.”
    “I’ve got advanced apprentices and graduate students chomping at the bit to work with experienced and skilled preservationists to restore sites. Taking the Route off the Watch List is going to take time. Especially when you consider we can’t neglect other cultural heritage sites around the world. But this project will garner us national attention the likes of which no other preservation effort in this country has seen. The shit load of time we dedicate to it will pay off in spades for both local and state economies and bring huge consideration to our industry.”
    “It’s the oddest thing,” his dad said, the lines around his eyes deepening and the corners of his mouth lifting ever so slightly. “Hearing some of my words come back at me.”
    Dean smiled. “It might not have seemed like it at the time, but I was listening. There’s no way I could have started my own company without taking with me everything I learned from you.”
    “What else?”
    “I’ve got two phenomenal restoration ecologists working for me. Have you heard of them?” Recos were the up and comers in the preservation movement, and Dean didn’t think World Heritage had any employed. Yet.
    “I’ve met a few but haven’t had a reason to hire one.”
    “They’ll reverse any damage to the ecology in the areas we focus on and repair and replant where necessary. The Route is more than just a road, and we want to paint with broad strokes.” Dean leaned back to let those last words sink in. “Paint with broad strokes” was a phrase his mom used all the time. She’d say it when she wanted to remind someone—namely Dean or his dad—that it’s important to look beyond what’s right in front of you.
    “Not a bad idea.” Light danced in his father’s eyes, and Dean wondered if it were his pitch or the way sunlight slanted through the office window.
    His dad always got excited at the start of a new project. Every beginning

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