Wormwood Dawn (Episode III)

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Book: Read Wormwood Dawn (Episode III) for Free Online
Authors: Edward Crae
Tags: Zombies
more Dan thought about, the worse it became. They would possibly run into more insane cops in the future, which meant they had another group to worry about. With scores of ravaging mutant zombies, big and grotesque monsters, and a nutjob security firm, having yet another enemy just made things worse.
    And things were already enough.
    At least now they had another partner to fight alongside them.

Chapter Five
    Vincent was impressed with the work they had done on the house. He was also glad to see that they had power, as little as there was. The first thing he did was shower. Dan gave him some clothes to wear since they were about the same size, and Vincent gladly disposed of his ratty and filthy garments in the fireplace.
    Now, as they sat around on the living room floor, they chatted, smoked, drank, and ate junk food. Jake kind of seemed like the king sitting on the big easy chair he had dragged inside from the garage. He sat there eating chips, reclined and relaxed like a Sultan in the Arabian Desert. All he needed was a few naked slaves feeding him grapes.
    Pauli was enjoying the company. He was cautious with the new member, as a dog should be, but warmed up to Vincent rather quickly. He stayed quiet as he lay near the group, munching on whatever the guys tossed him. He was especially fond of Cheetos.
    Dan had given Vincent the stack of notebooks they found at the serial killer’s house, and Vincent perused them with shock and horror—along with the occasional daaaaaamn. He was just as mortified as the rest of them.
    “This was one crazy mutha fucka,” he exclaimed. “I never seen no shit like this before. Goddamn.”
    “He was dead when we found him,” Dan said. “He slit his own throat.”
    “Dan pissed on him,” Drew said. “Then we set his house on fire.”
    “Shit, I would have pissed on him, too, if I found pictures of me on his wall. But what do you think he was doing with that thing in his basement?”
    Dan shook his head. Jake gave an opinion. “Maybe he was bangin’ it.”
    Vincent scowled, laughing. “Aw, fuck. Fuck that shit.”
    Jake, who had his laptop out, suddenly leaned forward in his chair. “I got a signal,” he said. “It looks like there’s another BBS somewhere around. It’s all text, though. No pictures or video.”
    “Where is it located?” Dan asked.
    Jake shook his head. “It doesn’t say. But the IP address looks like it’s somewhere in the Chicago area.”
    He moved to the floor, setting the laptop on the coffee table so they could all see. He checked his phone for a signal to see if he could try to strengthen the connection. There were two bars, which was decent. The 2G network was slow as shit anyway.
    “I got some cousins up in Markham,” Vincent said. “One of them is kind of a techie dude. If he’s alive, he’d be doin’ shit like this.”
    “There are posts about the Chicago area,” Jake said. “Mostly encounters and questions. It doesn’t look like anyone official is running it, just keeping it open so people can communicate.”
    One post entitled Gephardt Battalion Defeated in Skokie caught their attention.
    National Guard forces slaughtered an entire battalion of paramilitary soldiers in the suburb of Skokie. They located a cache of WMDs guarded by higher ups within the security firm. The bombs were confiscated after the standoff and were taken to an undisclosed location.
    The armory in Skokie had been secretly gathering soldiers to make an assault on Chicago’s occupying forces, who had locked down the city in order to round up the survivors. They were planning on taking them to a compound outside of town for possible execution. Gephardt’s plan failed.
    The military is now scouring the streets of downtown Chicago, looking for infected and survivors who have locked themselves in their homes. So far, there has been little progress, as the citizens who have survived the infection are hiding from the military, too. Nobody trusts anybody. More and

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