energy trying to outrun them instead
of having to fight or kill them. I figured I could continue to duck and run if an
infected bad was waiting on the other side of the elevator doors when they
opened. I could use the bat I was still carrying to push any infected away from
me as long as they weren’t the fast kind.
They fast kind were agiler, they had better balance and they
were quick to change directions when their prey tried to shake them off their
As the elevator moved slowly up, the two floors, passing the
first floor without incident, I thought about my aversion to dealing with the infected.
This was a problem for me and would be a problem for any
companions that might be with me. I wondered if I would be able to defend
myself when the time came that I had no other choice.
Being stuck in the elevator and not knowing what might be
waiting for me when the doors opened; I vowed to use the stairs from now on so
I wasn’t in this type of predicament going forward. The stairs would be better
for me anyway.
Chapter 6
As the elevator doors opened on Amy’s second-floor
hallway, I stood to the side of the elevator and looked around the corner, into
the hallway. Looking through the elevator doors, I was glad to see that there
wasn’t an infected waiting for me but sad that Amy wasn’t either.
It would have been much easier to meet her and just move on.
I moved out of the elevator and looked down the hallway both
ways. Amy’s apartment building was 10 stories high, although she was on the
second floor. It had a courtyard in the middle that the building wrapped around,
basically a square with a hole in the middle. If you walked the hallway, you
would make a complete loop around it and end up back at the elevators.
Amy’s apartment was in the middle, on the side of the square
that faced onto the main street, so the good news was I would know the
situation of half of her floor by the time I got there. The bad news was there
were two corners that blocked my view of the hallway either way I moved.
I decided to move to the left and headed towards Amy’s
apartment. The first apartment I passed had its door closed, so I quietly made
my way past it.
The second and third doors were open and there was a blood
trail coming out of each one. I moved as silently as possible past both doors,
listening for any noise as I passed. I didn’t hear anything but stayed alert
I stopped at the corner peeked around it to see if anything
was in the hallway. On this side of the building, there were five apartments
and three of the five had open doors, leaving two doors closed.
I snuck up to the first door and listened, waiting for any
sign of trouble. There wasn’t any noise, so I started to move to the next door.
Just as I passed halfway across the door, I heard a loud scream from the other
side the building. A loud crashing sound followed from the fourth door opened
in the hallway I was standing in.
I moved into the first apartment and slowly pushed the door
close. Footsteps could be heard coming down the hall and then past the door I
had just closed.
I turned around to checked out the apartment I was standing
in just in case there was someone there.
Blood was all over the floor of the apartment and the body of
an elderly man was lying in the hallway of the apartment. His face was gone,
just some flesh and bone with lots of blood pooled around him. His eyes were missing,
his nose was gone and you could see the bone on his skull.
His skull was caved in on the side and parts of his brains were
exposed inside his skull. I doubted that this guy would turn since so much was
missing, so I turned back around to face the door and opened the door just a bit
to look out into the hallway.
Since only one infected had reacted to the scream, I was
pretty confident that the other open apartments were empty and moved quickly past
them. I reached the next corner and peered around it looking at Amy’s apartment
door sitting wide