World of Eternia: The Complete Collection
a giant spider appears to defend its lair. Suddenly, Wesley senses
movement from above, and instinctively raises his shield. “Heads
up!” he cries out in warning to his party. He staggers to one knee
under the weight of a giant spider dropping onto his shield. His hips
and left elbow working in unison, the cavalier pushes the shield
forward, knocking the spider off his shield and into a nearby stone
    More giant spiders
appear and quickly surround the party.
    Wesley glances from
side to side, and counts at least twenty giant spiders present. He
senses the party members behind him change their party formation,
from a straight line to a diamond formation. In this party formation,
the melee fighters take the north and south positions while the spell
casters take the east and west positions. Out of the four members of
The Strangers, Diana the priestess has the least offensive
capabilities, meaning that her melee encounters will last longer and
the possibility of receiving lethal damage greater. Having the melee
fighters to her left and right would allow the two fighters to lend
her a hand against a monster as needed to finish the mob off.
    One particularly big,
black spider, the size of a horse, leaves the tight circle. It
approaches Wesley in apparent challenge, and jabs at the human with a
    The cavalier sees the
oncoming blow, times his swing perfectly, and slices off part of the
spider’s leg. The detached limb twitches involuntarily on the
ground in front of the fighter for a brief moment before falling
silent forever.
    The attacker screeches
in pain, and takes two steps back.
    The rest of the giant
spiders slowly advance, tightening their circle around the
adventurers. The rays of light from the orb and torch gleam off their
big, wide red eyes. The jaws of these horse sized mobs open and close
with anticipation. Poisonous venom drips from the mouths of these
giant spiders; the venom drip onto the floor, searing the otherwise
smooth stone.
    Lucious makes a mental
inventory of his spell book, trying to locate the best spell to use
for this situation. The battle mage looks up at the ceiling, and sees
that the wall is made of stone. I
don't think I can make the ceiling cave down on the spiders without
hitting us too , he thinks as he rejects the idea. Another
possibility comes to mind: “Circle of Whirling Blades.” The spell
will only hit the front line, and the circle of mobs is easily three
rows deep. The battle mage shakes his head as he rejects that spell
too. This spell will hit maybe a
handful of them, but the rest will smarten up and stay back. I need
something to hit them all at once.
    “Now is a good time,”
Diana taps the battle mage on the shoulder with her steel mace, to
prod him to engage in battle.
    Lucious turns around to
face the priestess, and bends at the waist for an elaborate bow to
the priestess. “Your wish is my command,” he grins.
    Diana rolls her eyes.
    Holding his staff out,
the battle mage closes his eyes and casts a “Wall of Fire” spell:
“fuuu-lazi-poju-razi-toju-cuuu.” Switching over to his magic
screen view, the player draws a circle over the location of the giant
spiders. He adds a delayed effect to expand the circumference of the
circle when a trigger word is entered. Lucious switches back to
regular screen view. “Fire!” he shouts, and watches his offensive
spell takes effect.
    The temperature of the
foyer abruptly jumps as a wall of dancing flames surround the party,
burning the front line of giant spiders to ashes. The remaining
spiders try to back away from the overwhelming heat.
    Seeing the fleeing
spiders, Lucious slams the bottom of his staff on the ground and
yells, “BURN!” The circle of fire suddenly widens and extends
outward, and the flames greedily devour the retreating spiders until
all of them are turned to ashes.
    “And that's that,”
the battle mage says as he taps his staff once on the ground to end
the spell. Basking in the glow of

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