Woodrose Mountain

Read Woodrose Mountain for Free Online

Book: Read Woodrose Mountain for Free Online
Authors: RaeAnne Thayne
When Katherine encouraged Evie to come to Colorado for a few weeks as her guest, she had jumped at the chance and instantly fallen in love with the town and the people here.
    Most of them, anyway.
    “You want me to believe Brodie didn’t send you.”
    “No. In fact, he told me not to come.”
    “Yet here you are.”
    “Only because we’re desperate, my dear. Brodie and I both want the absolute best care available for Taryn. Surely you can understand that.”
    Oh, she hated this. “Any parent would want the same.”
    “You’re the best,” Katherine said simply. “Can you blame us for wanting your help?”
    “Whatever I might have once been is a long road away. That’s not me anymore, Katherine. I’m a beader. I make jewelry.”
    “I thought you might make an exception in this case, if not for Brodie than maybe for me and especially for Taryn.”
    The tension in Evie’s shoulders tightened to a fine and exquisite pain. No wonder Katherine made such a good Hope’s Crossing Town Council member. She knew exactly which buttons to push.
    “Not fair,” she murmured.
    “I know.” Katherine looked unapologetic. “My son is not the only ruthless one in the Thorne family.”
    Evie was trapped in an unwinnable dilemma. Refuse and hurt a dear friend. Accept and hurt herself.
    Claire’s approach was a welcome reprieve. “Katherine! I didn’t hear you come in. Hello, darling! How’s Taryn?” she asked instantly.
    Katherine aimed a quick look at Evie and then turned back to Claire. Evie’s tension tightened a few more screws.
    “She’s coming home at the end of the week.”
    Claire’s mouth sagged open and a fierce joy lit up her lovely, serene features. “You’re kidding! I never heard a word. This is fabulous! We need to celebrate! Fireworks, confetti. Throw a parade or something!”
    Katherine shook her head slightly, squeezing Claire’s fingers. “I’m afraid we’re not breaking out the champagne yet. The doctors and therapists in Denver are basically kicking her out of the rehab center, saying they’ve done all they can with her. She’s become what the experts call a recalcitrant patient.”
    A little of Claire’s ebullience faded but she was enough of a natural optimist that Evie could tell she wouldn’t let that minor setback completely dim her happiness. “Well, it will be wonderful to have her back in Hope’s Crossing anyway, right? What can we do? Do you have any idea yet what Brodie’s going to need help with at first?”
    Claire’s instant willingness to step forward, no matter the cost, left Evie feeling small and ashamed. That was always her friend’s way, always thinking about what she could do to help someone else. As much as she loved Claire, sometimes she privately thought her friend carried that whole give-of-yourself thing a little too far.
    Katherine hugged the other woman again. “We don’t know yet. We have so many details to figure out. We’ve been looking ahead to this day for some time. Over the last month or so, Brodie has been having Paul Harris do some work on the house, knock out a couple walls to put in a roll-in shower, install a couple of ramps, a lift system, that sort of thing.”
    Katherine’s gaze slanted quickly toward Evie. That tension gripped her and she drew in a ragged breath. Here we go.
    “Actually, we’re trying to persuade Evie to help us set up a home-based rehab program.”
    Claire gasped, her eyes bright. “Oh, brilliant!”
    “That’s exactly what Brodie and I think. I’m afraid Evie isn’t as convinced.”
    Claire’s gaze zinged from one of them to the other and Evie knew precisely the moment she picked up the undercurrents of tension seething between them.
    “Is it the store?” she asked. “If that’s the case, don’t you worry about us for a moment, Evie. I know I said you’re a beading rock star and all that but we can get along here at the store without you if we have to, especially when it’s for such a good cause. I’ve

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