
Read Woman for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Woman for Free Online
Authors: Richard Matheson
Tags: Fiction, General, Horror, Los Angeles (Calif.)
drink?" David asked Candy.
         "Can you make a
Margarita?" she asked.
         "Can he make a
Margarita?" Val said, attempting an Italian accent. "He's a doctori.
He can-a make-a any woman he wants."
         Candy looked confused,
         "Forget it," Val
         "I'm afraid I don't
know how to make a Margarita, Candy," David told her.
         "Oh. Well. . .Uh. .
         David waited for her
decision as Val walked over to the bar and put an arm around Liz's waist.
"How you doin', Sexy?" he said.
         "I'm okay," she
told him.
         "Nervous about
         "A little."
         "Don't give it another
thought. We don't win, I'll blow up the fucking theatre. Country Boy rides home a winner
         He glanced over at Ganine
who was looking at him curiously.
         "Our show," he
told her. "You've seen it, of course. Wednesday night, eight to
         She looked blank, shook her
head. Val murmured to Liz, "This is your guest?"
         Liz gave him a Medusa smile.
"David will explain," she said.
         Val scowled, turning to face
Ganine. "You really don't know Country Boy! Top ten? Thirty-seven share?"
         She made a hapless gesture.
         Val turned back to Liz.
"The girl's retarded, I presume," he said.
         The smile remained.
"Possibly," she said.
         "Who brought her
one" Liz said tightly. "David said she was in
the corridor with Charlie and Charlie thought she was a guest."
         "She's not
          "Hardly" she said.
         "When are we
leaving?" he changed the subject.
         She gritted her teeth.
"As soon as possible," she said.
         "Doesn't sound as
though you're too crazy about her," Val said.
         Liz was about to reply when
David came over to them. "So what does Miz Einstein want?" Val asked.
         "Gin," he said.
         "No kidding," Val
said, impressed.
         "And Coke."
         Val's lips puffed out as he
         "That's her," he
said. He looked at Candy as she approached the bar. Liz turned away, walking to
the sofa to sit beside Barbara.
         "Yeah, Candy is a
connoisseur of booze all right," Val said, pouring himself vodka over ice
         "What's that?"
Candy asked.
         "It means you have big
tits," he told her.
         Candy struck feebly at the
space between them. "Don't say that," she said.
         "Why? You don't have
big tits?"
         She frowned, "It's not
polite to—"
         "Hey, I didn't know
that," Val interrupted in a mockingly sincere voice. "All these years
I've been talking about big tits and I never realized. God damn."
         He whistled softly, wincing
as Candy punched him onthe arm. " Ooh ," he said, "I love strong women. Don't you, Doc?"
         David didn't answer, smiling
as he handed Candy her drink. "Thank you, sir," she said, "I see
that you're a gentleman."
         "And I'm not?" Val said looking pained.
"You cut me to the cock, dear girl."
         Candy made a disapproving
sound, starting toward the group, David and Val following. As she looked for a
spot to sit, Max patted his lap, an exaggerated leer on his face.
         "Don't trust him,"
Val told her. "He writes."
         "Why did you ask me if
my leopard fur was real?" Candy asked David. "Didn't you think it
         David didn't know what to
say. "Doc-a-doc was zinging you without you knowing it," Val told
her, "which isn't difficult, of course."
          "Zinging me?" Candy asked, looking confused.
         "Zing went the zip of
my fly," Val sang briefly, seeing her still blank expression, he added.
"Leopard? Fur? Endangered

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