Wolf Tales IV

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Book: Read Wolf Tales IV for Free Online
Authors: Kate Douglas
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica, Romance, Adult
at the cabin. It’s not all that far from the King Range National Conservation Area, and about as private as can be. There’s no way your reporter or anyone else can find you here. You’re safe and I want you to relax. Think you can do that?”
    She stared at him a long moment, her amber eyes like golden disks against her dark skin, glinting in the pale starlight. “I always feel safe with you. Always.”
    He nodded, deeply moved by her trust. “C’mon, we’ll get something to eat. Then the Chanku are going to run for as long as they want. No one will disturb us.”
    Everything was as he had expected. The generator was fueled, the refrigerator stocked and the stove working fine. The cupboards had plenty of provisions. Anton fixed a quick meal while Keisha unpacked their few belongings, wrapped herself in a comfortable sarong and explored the cabin. There was a single room for the kitchen and living area, one bedroom with an enormous bed and a serviceable bathroom with a tub and shower combination.
    Her eyes were constantly drawn back to the bed. Was she ready? Could she make love to Anton without flashing back to her attack? She wanted him. She knew she could experience sexual pleasure. Xandi had certainly proved that.
    Somehow, some way, she had to get over her reactionary fear of men and sex.
    Anton called her to come and eat. He’d prepared fresh salmon, a salad and pasta, skillfully using the gas range that dominated the small kitchen.
    “Ah, and he can cook too! I didn’t know you were so talented.”
    “I’m a man of many talents, my love.” He tapped her nose with his fingertip and she rewarded him with a smile.
    “Actually, I love to cook. It’s easier to let Oliver take over when I’m at home, but cooking is a pleasure I enjoy.” He leaned close and kissed her, a light touch of lips to cheek. “I enjoy it almost as much as running through the forest with an Alpha bitch at my side.”
    Keisha giggled. “I guess Xandi talked, eh?”
    “Alexandria did more than talk… she showed Stefan exactly what you did with those nylons of yours. And the flat of your hand. He couldn’t sit down the next day, though I didn’t hear him complaining. In fact, he smiled an awful lot. It was truly disgusting. I chose not to join them that night.”
    Keisha’s laughter shifted to a contemplative smile. “I had no idea I could find sexual pleasure with a woman. It was absolutely amazing. Xandi said the Chanku …” Her voice trailed off.
    “The Chanku are a polyamorous people. We find sexual satisfaction with both sexes. It’s part of who we are… an important part.”
    “It’s a part of me that’s still not whole. Anton, can you still love me the way I am?”
    She looked desolate, as if her soul were shredded. Somehow, some way, he would bring her through this. The Chanku were a strong and powerful race.
    A vengeful race… yet adaptable. He would find a way.
    They finished their meal in silence. His thoughts were anything but quiet.
    Chanku ? He set down his fork and neatly folded his napkin, then touched the side of her face, gently forced her to look at him. My love, when you shift… when you are the wolf, do you fear your sensual nature then? Do you fear me ?
    Slowly, eyes unblinking, she shook her head. I have no fear when I am the wolf. No fear at all.
    Run with me tonight. The forest calls us. I also think it heals that which is broken. Are you willing ?
    Keisha stood and shifted in the same motion, then waited uncertainly in front of the closed door. Anton laughed, stood up and walked to the door. “It’s always a good idea to open the door first. Paws are no good for that sort of thing.”
    He opened the door and stepped out onto the narrow front porch, carefully removed his clothing and shifted. His muscles bunched and he leapt over the railing, landing lightly in the thick ferns beyond the cabin.
    Keisha followed, her leap almost as far, her body primed and ready to run.
    The night called them.

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