Wolf on the Hunt
slide inside. She pressed her back against the wooden panel and he got his first good look at her. During her daring rescue, he’d been too focused on simply moving and staying alive to notice her appearance. Now he wondered how the hell he could have missed it. Maybe he was injured worse than he’d thought, because the woman slowly walking toward him was exceptional.
    Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, but several long, curly brown strands had escaped, giving her a slightly wild look. Her eyes were true sky-blue without a hint of any other color. She was a tall woman and she packed a hell of a lot of curves on her frame. His mouth began to water the longer he stared at her.
    She chewed on her bottom lip as she cautiously approached. “I’ve got to move you to the bedroom.” She glanced at the door. “And I’ve got to get cleaned up in case one of those idiot hunters comes knocking at the door.”
    Louis growled, and she froze in place. The smell of her fear burned his nostrils and he whined in apology. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her.
    She huffed out a breath and seemed to gather herself. “Okay, I can do this.” She hurried out of the room and returned seconds later with a blanket. “If I can get you on this I can pull you into the bedroom out of sight.”
    He didn’t think so. He was over two hundred pounds, and while she might be strong, he didn’t think she was up to his weight.
    An image popped into his head of both of them naked with him lying on top of her. She would certainly be up to his weight in bed. He tried to swallow back a growl and it ended up sounding more like a whine.
    He hated to whine.
    He shoved his front paws into the floor and pushed himself into a seated position. From there, he dug deep and pushed his back end up. The flesh wounds that had started to heal tore open again and he growled before he could stop himself.
    “I know it hurts.” She was by his side again in an instant. “You seem to understand me. I bet you’re a cross mix of some kind like Shadow and belong to someone around here.”
    If he could have laughed he would have. She had no idea.
    “In the bedroom. Come on.”
    She didn’t have to ask him twice. He just wished he was going there for all the right reasons. He looked longingly at the bed but didn’t think she’d appreciate his bloody body there. Once again, she surprised him. She spread the blanket over the top and patted it.
    “Can you get up here?”
    Sure he could. He placed his front paws on the mattress and tried to jump. It ended up more of a crawl. Embarrassing as hell. He was a lot weaker than he’d thought. He closed his eyes. Rest. All he needed was some rest and he’d be fine.
    He felt his body being covered by another blanket but didn’t have the strength to open his eyes. He’d have a little nap before he headed home. He had to warn the pack about the crazy-ass hunters in the area.
    He wondered who they were and why they were there. Come to think of it, he didn’t know the name of his rescuer either. Pleasant thoughts of her followed him into oblivion.
    Gray was relieved to see that the animal’s wounds had almost stopped bleeding. They must have been flesh wounds. He was one lucky wolf. Still, he was going to be weak for a while. She should call the local authorities and see if she could find a vet in the area to see to his injuries. He probably needed a blood transfusion.
    “Watch him, Shadow.” The big dog jumped up onto the bed beside the wolf and sprawled next to him, their noses almost touching.
    She had more pressing concerns now that the wolf was out of immediate danger. She hurried into the bathroom, stripped off her clothes and jumped in the shower. She clenched her teeth as the water ran cold at first but didn’t wait for it to warm up before she started washing the blood away. Pinkish water rolled down her arms and hands before disappearing down the drain. She tried to keep her hair from getting too wet. There

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