Wolf in his Heart (Salvation Pack)

Read Wolf in his Heart (Salvation Pack) for Free Online

Book: Read Wolf in his Heart (Salvation Pack) for Free Online
Authors: N.J. Walters
Tags: paranormal romance, Werewolves, shapeshifters, hot romance
the day, but it was still warm. Rina was comfortable in the jeans and plain T-shirt she’d worn to work. She was grateful that Barney hadn’t required his waitresses to wear uniforms, only bibbed aprons with the diner’s name. She wouldn’t have been able to run as hard and fast in a dress.
    Exhaustion weighed her down. She was afraid if she closed her eyes she’d sleep for two days straight. She’d never been this tired in her life. Fear and fatigue had sapped her reserves, leaving her totally depleted. She’d kept up on the first part of their hike, but Rina knew she couldn’t have gone much farther.
    Sage knew it too.
    He’d stopped for her. She wasn’t stupid enough to believe his claim of needing to rest. He was wide awake and there was a vitality surrounding him that was almost palpable.
    She knew she should eat more but couldn’t summon the enthusiasm to bother. Her eyelids kept closing no matter how hard she tried to keep them open.
    “Rest for a bit.” Sage’s voice washed over her like a warm and comforting blanket. “I’ll watch out for you.”
    She believed him. Everything he’d done since she’d met him only hours before had been to help her. Rina leaned against the hard rock wall and stared at him. He was gazing out the cave entrance at the night. It really was pretty. She hadn’t stopped to notice until now.
    The sounds of the insects and nocturnal creatures lulled her. They were alone. If the hunters were around, the night would be silent, all the animals hiding.
    Rina watched Sage through her half-closed eyes. He was gorgeous with his broad shoulders and good looks. But he was more than just physically amazing. There was a steadiness, a kindness about him that drew her.
    She swallowed and closed her eyes. She couldn’t come to depend on him. Their time together would be measured in hours. As soon as they left this cave, they’d hike to his truck, and then they’d part ways.
    She’d never forget him.
    Feeling safe for the first time in months, Rina allowed herself to let go and sleep.
    Sage knew the moment Rina finally slept. Her entire body went lax and she slumped to one side. He waited a few more minutes, until he was certain she was deep enough that she wouldn’t wake. He eased her forward and slipped the straps of her knapsack down her arms. He set the bag next to her, knowing she’d want it within reach.
    He knew he should just let her be, but he couldn’t. He lifted her onto his lap, going slow enough not to wake her. She snuffled once but settled right back to sleep. Sage eased her head onto his shoulder and wrapped his arms protectively around her.
    It felt right.
    He banged his head lightly against the rock wall behind him. Stupid. It was utter stupidity to have feelings for a woman he just met, especially one hell-bent on leaving. Not to mention her less-than-flattering opinion of half-breeds. Not exactly a match made in heaven.
    If he’d had a wolf, Sage figured the creature would be beside himself right about now, wanting to claim Rina as his own. He might not be able to shift, but he had a werewolf’s instincts. The emotions churning inside him were raw and powerful and new. Never had he felt this combination of caring and concern for a woman, and it was coupled with a deep-seated need to protect her. He’d kill for her.
    That was a first.
    The only other people he felt that way about were his family and pack. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for them. But Rina trumped them all. It was startling to realize the only other person he felt this way about was his twin.
    That made Rina both precious and dangerous.
    There was nothing to be done about it now. The first order of business was to get her out of here. He’d work on convincing her to stay a few days with the pack. He needed more time to get to know her. He might not be aware of all she’d been through or why she was on her own, but he did understand she needed somewhere she felt safe.
    He wanted to be the one

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