With Her Capture
she’d enjoyed the best night sleep she’d had in months, he’d
dragged his kill, the pot and wash pan up the mountain for her to
find outside the cave.
    Taking her time, Magda searched down the
rocky decline of the mountain. She studied the scattered trees
growing sideways amidst boulders and crevices. She squinted and
sniffed in the direction of the rushing water loaded with trout.
There wasn’t much to see above her, but she looked anyway. A strong
breeze rustled through her coat and she breathed it in. She didn’t
smell Ayden, or any werewolf for that matter. Magda relaxed and
focused on the soup pot and wash pan. At least Ayden hadn’t seen
her behave like a pup in her excitement over his gifts.
    Magda scooped the sweatpants up with her
teeth and dropped them into the pot, then one at a time, dragged
the pot and pan into her cave. After building up the fire, she
changed into her human form. She was going to have a bath. A long,
leisurely hot bath. Magda pulled a thick, large towel from the soup
pot and laughed. The sound stilled her.
    “When have you last laughed, Magdaline
Keller?” she mused, but didn’t try remembering. She stared at the
contents that had fallen from the towel.
    Bath salts, fragranced soap, shampoo,
conditioner, a wash cloth—and a hair brush.
    “Oh fucking tail,” she cried out, and laughed
some more. “I might just mount you before you can decide when the
right time is to fuck me.”
    Ayden considered himself lucky that Magda
hadn’t spotted him down the mountain. A strong breeze blowing
through at just the right moment had helped matters. If she’d
spotted him, he wouldn’t have had the pleasure of hearing her
laughter in the cave.
    She was so run down that another day on her
own and she wouldn’t have had the strength to keep running and
hiding. He’d sniffed her out just in time. If the fates were to be
believed, and there were times when he definitely believed in them,
then they definitely had their paws in this one. She was so excited
over fresh kill and a hot bath. It made it worth it sniffing out
the perfect hiding place after leaving his kill and the gifts for
her outside the cave. Although the elk hadn’t brought her back to
perfect health. A female in her prime would have searched more to
find who left her gifts. In spite of thinking that Magda had a
pretty good idea who left the elk and pot and pan for her, he still
definitely needed to protect her.
    Ayden stayed where he was, on a perch not too
far from the cave. He smelled her while she feasted on the elk. He
heard her when she laughed inside the cave. Now he imagined her in
her human form, naked and preparing for her bath. Picturing how she
looked, with her tan skin and long black hair tumbling over perky
breasts got his dick hard. Not to mention that her happiness and
enthusiasm created a feeling inside him he wasn’t sure he’d
experienced before.
    Sure there had been happy moments while
growing up with his litter. When his sire and mother had still been
alive he’d been thrilled when they were impressed by something he’d
done. When he’d killed his first deer, been the first to sniff out
danger, or times when he’d been left to protect his mother and
younger littermate while his sire hunted had all made him
incredibly happy and pleased with himself. And there had been many
times like that. Ayden would be the first to howl he’d been whelped
into a happy den. But none of those moments compared to the
satisfaction, and the thrill he’d known when he easily smelled her
reaction to his gifts.
    Magda dragged the wash pan and soup pot into
the cave. If he’d had lips while in his fur he would have grinned
like a fool at the sound coming from the cave a few moments later.
She’d found the toiletries he’d scrounged around for. He’d never
tell her how hard it was for a single male to gather pretty
smelling female bathroom things without being sniffed up one side
and down another to see if he told

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