Witchcraft (#2 Witchblood Series)

Read Witchcraft (#2 Witchblood Series) for Free Online

Book: Read Witchcraft (#2 Witchblood Series) for Free Online
Authors: Emma Mills
Tags: vampire romance, paranormal romance, Vampires, Witchcraft, Angels, witch
took the mug of warm, silky
blood she was offering and began to drink. When I’d been turned a
couple of months back, the blood packs they gave me to drink tasted
quite pleasant, chocolatey almost. Then I tasted Daniel’s
blood…fine, I bit him, but he wanted me to do it, and he tasted
like nothing else. The first time was amazing, but for some reason,
and I’d never told either Daniel or Eva, the second time I drank
from him I’d been violently sick. Since then I’d avoided it, making
excuses, which he clearly wasn’t happy with. So I was back to the
blood packs, which I knew Sebastian, the clan leader, was getting
sick and tired of providing for me. I was going to have to tell
them, but I didn’t know how, and I suspected Eva’s solution would
be to sample some regular human blood, the regular way. It was just a matter of time,
and time was running out.
    The drink helped and the nausea began to
subside. I looked down at my arm - it looked perfect again. I
shuddered as I remembered how, after the first attempt Eva had made
to fix my arm, and after I had punched her in the face in an effort
to escape the scalpel she was slicing through my skin, she had
employed Franny to bind me with a spell, so I couldn’t move as she
    It had only taken a couple of minutes
for her to slice my newly-healed skin open, re-break the wonky
bone, and push it back into its rightful place, so that it could
heal correctly. But I felt every single second. So much for
vampire’s not feeling pain! It seemed that my half-vampire, witch
blood status had awarded me control over my actions and thoughts,
but had also given me human pain thresholds. Fantastic!
    On the upside, I had at least developed
a vampire’s healing ability, and now my arm looked as good as new.
I threw off the duvet and put the mug on the dresser.
    ‘ Better?’ Daniel asked.
    I nodded my head and smiled at him.
    ‘ Good. Well, now you’re fixed I
think Francesca is hoping to have a chat with you, and take a look
at the book,’ he said. ‘I’ll be downstairs with Eva if you need
    ‘ No funny business this time,
okay?’ Eva added, as she followed him out of the door. ‘And hurry
up. I’ve got a new ‘Top Model’ episode we can watch when you’re
    I smiled back and nodded. It was
slightly bewildering when Eva slipped from being an arse-kicking
vampire leader to a girlie best friend, but I was happy when she
did. I looked at the book Eva had returned to me, and placing it
beside me, waited.
    ‘ May I take a look?’ Franny asked,
sitting opposite me on the edge of the bed.
    ‘ Sure.’
    Franny spent some time staring at the
cover, then again at the front page, but her hair didn’t move, and
she showed no signs of seeing the leaves dancing. She continued to
flick silently through the book until she reached the end, and here
she paused.
    ‘ Have you studied the back pages,
    ‘ Um, no, not really. I’ve only had
the book a couple of weeks, and to be honest I don’t understand
most of it.’
    She nodded again and shuffled closer to
me on the bed.
    ‘ Here, look!’ she said as she slid
her nail gently around the inner side of the back cover. What
appeared to be glued was not. The paper easily lifted up, and
underneath was another blank piece of paper.
    ‘ Reveal,’ she murmured, tracing
her fingers across the page, following invisible lines, in the
shape of a pentagram.
    ‘ Wow!’ I said under my breath, as
a long list of scribbled names appeared in a column down the page.
The names were all written in different handwriting, simply as if
each person had written their name in the book one after the other.
Some were written very neatly, some seemed scrawled across the
page, and the early ones looked to be scratched on it.
    ‘ Yes, this is indeed your family
book. Look, here is your mother’s name, Laurie, and your
grandmother’s name above that,’ Franny said, pointing to the last
two names at the bottom of the

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