Wisteria (Wisteria Series)

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Book: Read Wisteria (Wisteria Series) for Free Online
Authors: Bisi Leyton
try to jump down. The fall might paralyze her or worse, but it might buy her more time. Closing her eyes, she prayed, counted to three—and leapt.

    * * * * *

    Bach leafed through the CDs on the shelves in the Terran shop called Cunningham’s. Felip wanted a CD of a Law Abiding Citizens album ‘Bring the Rain’ and Bach travelled almost eighty miles to get it.
    Normally, Bach wouldn’t have travelled this far to look for music, but he did this for three reasons. Firstly, Felip was still recovering from his journey home and music helped the Family regenerate. While the Family couldn’t naturally produce music, they loved it.
    Secondly, Bach felt guilty over asking Felip to journey in the first place. Thirdly, this region was known for making a certain sweet that Felip liked… salt water taffy. Bach hoped he would still be able to find some which was edible and since he was in town, he decided to check for the CD in one of the local shops.
    After searching unsuccessfully for a while, Bach picked up some other CDs he hoped Felip would like, and several games for the Medusa games console. As he prepared to leave, he was shocked to hear women arguing in the shop. He tried to ignore them, but the voices continued. Against his better judgment, he walked over to the stairwell to see what was happening.
    Three girls were apparently scavenging . Stupid Terrans, they have no idea what might be inside this store. He’d already sensed over twelve infected in the building.
    Leaving the girls, he went into one of the storage rooms. Maybe there was more music in the back. He didn’t make it very far when he heard the screams of the Terrans. They ran into trouble, but it was their fault for being so dumb and greedy.
    The screams continued and this began to aggravate him. He hated the sound of screaming, especially Terran screams. He put his supplies in his messenger bag and moved out of the storeroom to see what was going on. He watched as several of the infected shuffled toward the fire exit. It seemed the girls decided to go down there and the infected caught their scent.
    When he reached the fire exit’s stairwell, he saw several of the infected plodding down the stairs. Looking out of the window, he saw one girl in a red dress limping away from the nearing swarm, while her friend with the golden hair escaped.
    Bach got what he came for and had no interest in getting involved with Terrans. This was the Terrans’ realm. They had to deal with their own problems. Besides, her friend would be able to help her.
    The other Terran girl was sprinting toward a black vehicle. She got in and the vehicle sped away. He looked back to the girl in red. She wasn’t going to make it.
    That was her problem . Bach exhaled heavily as he paused. He knew he was going to regret this decision. He smashed the window leading out to the alleyway and leapt out, landing on one knee. He moved through the infected just in time to see the girl glance at him, and then hurl herself down the brick steps. “Wisteria!” The words escaped his lips before he could think. He never saw this girl before, but somehow, he knew her. “Are you mad?” he yelled as she hit the pavement. He rushed over to her, but not in time to break her fall.
    She was unconscious.
    He looked over at the swarm, now only a few feet away. He picked up the unconscious girl and realized she was heavier than she looked.
    One of the male infected groaned loudly as he reached out to touch the girl.
    Bach could tell he hadn’t fed for months. “Sorry, you need to find your own.” Bach backed away and ran like the wind.



    Back in the Hunter Tower, Bach laid Wisteria down on his bed. How was it that he knew her? He grimaced.
    Felip entered. He looked better, but still pale. “Explain this to me. If she is from the settlement near Norton, why did you not take her there?”
    Bach didn’t answer. He didn’t want to get into an argument with him about

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