Winter (Rise of the Pride, Book 2)

    “Liberty,” Nova sniffled. She felt like she
was falling apart. Ever since Perry had attacked her, all she
wanted was for Winter to hold her and tell her everything would be
    But he wouldn’t touch her.
    “Yeah,” Liberty replied, sadness in her
    “Why won’t he touch me?” she asked, looking
up into her sister’s ice blue eyes, hoping to find all the answers
she was seeking.
    “I really don’t know, Nova,” Liberty said,
kissing her forehead. “Let’s get you home and we will rest. We can
worry about stubborn panthers tomorrow.”
    Nova didn’t reply as the nurse helped her
into the wheelchair. True to his word, Winter was waiting for them
as they exited the doors. Nova shivered, wrapping her arms around
herself from the bitter cold wind that felt like it was piercing
her bones.
    Liberty climbed into the backseat of the
extended cab truck, pulling the backrest so Nova could climb in the
front. As soon as Nova was seated, and the bag of medicines and her
paperwork were placed at her feet by the nurse, Winter handed her a
large, thick quilt. The thing was old and smelled like him. She
tried not to hold it to her face and inhale the unique smell of the
woods behind her home and something sweet, but she did take a deep
    He drove without speaking, his thick jaw
ticked from how hard he had it clamped. Nova was sure he wanted to
yell at her again for being stupid enough to go out with Perry. How
the hell did she know the guy was out for nothing but information
about the pride?
    “Nova?” Winter said, breaking her thoughts.
“Are you feeling okay?”
    “I’m fine,” she replied, wiping at a lone
tear that had trailed out of her swollen eye.
    When they arrived at the alpha’s house,
Winter slid out of his seat, walking around to the passenger side.
He opened the door and stood back, waiting for Nova to get out on
her own. She noticed his hands were fisted at his sides and that
damn tick in his jaw was only getting more and more pronounced as
he waited impatiently. She didn’t want to be a burden, but it
looked like Winter was agitated with her slowness.
    Nova held her broken arm close to her chest
and carefully stepped out of the truck. She handed him the blanket
without another word, grabbing her bag and walking toward the front
door. The large brick home was inviting enough, but she really
would’ve rather been at her old farmhouse. At least there she could
cry without the panthers hearing her with their enhanced
    Liberty opened the door, stepping aside so
Nova could go inside. There were several women moving about the
home. One woman was dusting the dark wood furniture, but stopped
when she heard them walk through the door.
    “Ms. Nova,” she began, setting her rag down
next to a large flower arrangement. Nova remembered her as the
children’s caretaker. Her name was June. “We have your room ready
and Mrs. Shaw is preparing you a meal.” Talon’s mother did a lot of
the cooking in the home. Liberty had introduced them a few weeks
ago and Nova really liked her.
    “That’s not necessary,” Nova protested.
    “You need your strength,” June insisted.
“The alpha wanted both of you fed well as soon as you arrived.”
    The door closed behind them and Nova didn’t
even have to look to know it was Winter who’d entered behind them.
His scent wrapped around her as he moved closer. “Liberty will show
you to your room and I will bring you something to eat.” His voice
held no emotion and, at that moment, Nova knew she needed to just
turn off any thoughts of being with the stubborn Guardian. He
obviously didn’t have the same feelings toward her.
    “Come on,” Liberty said, her teeth clenched
as she spoke.
    Nova followed her sister up a set of stairs,
turning left when they reached the top. A long hallway loomed
ahead. Several doors lined each side of the hallway. At the end, a
door was open, leading into a bedroom that had already been
prepared for

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