Winning Souls

Read Winning Souls for Free Online

Book: Read Winning Souls for Free Online
Authors: Viola Grace
Tags: Science-Fiction, Romance, Adult, Space Opera
attracted to beauty and possession. He must have been outraged that you were paying attention to me. My greatest asset is simply power.”
    “You do glow.” He smiled.
    She sighed at the handsome image he presented. She could almost imagine that it was an actual male sitting with her, one that had an interest in her personally.
    “I think that we have taken this conversation as far as we can today. Pardon me, but if we are still going through with the charade and visiting the meteor sites tomorrow, I need my sleep.”
    “You have not yet eaten.” There was concern on his features.
    “I can manage to order something, but I believe that our interaction is done for the day. Please leave.” She inclined her head, and he got to his feet.
    “Thank you for hearing me out.” He bowed and left her in her suite.
    She followed him to the door, locked it behind him and sprinted to the com unit. She needed to get a second opinion, fast.
    Relay answered immediately. “This isn’t a secure call.”
    “It is no longer an information-gathering situation. The being absorbing the souls is a remnant of a dead world, and my contact has already been compromised. He has offered the consciousness his body but is apparently trying to rescind the offer.”
    Relay whistled. “Right. Are you in danger?”
    Enher cocked her head. “No. Kiot seems relieved to have someone to talk with, and I have seen that Ulises’s mind is intact within the body.”
    “Is he in danger?”
    “No. If Kiot finds a more amenable host, he will surrender the Enjel.”
    Relay drummed her fingers against the table. “What does he want from you?”
    Enher twisted her lips before saying, “I think he wants me for my mind. If I had to guess, I am in line to get the job offer to be his Avatar.”
    “Keep me posted.”
    “I will. Kiot’s eyes are lavender, by the way. Just in case I call again and I don’t seem like myself.”
    “Good to know. Thanks for the update. I will look into Kiot and see what I can find. Check in in two days.”
    “I will. Have a good day.” Enher disconnected the call and went to change into a loose robe before debating her meal.
    The delivery slot chimed, and she wandered over. A hot meal of mixed greens, thinly sliced meat, nuts and a cascade of light dressing was the central platter. A small note was on the tray.
    You need to keep your strength up.
    She sighed and ate her meal, scooped the frozen berry dessert out of the small bowl and sipped at the cup of tea.
    She started yawning halfway through the tea. The damned stuff was a sedative.
    Enher stumbled to her bed and pulled the covers over her after setting the alarm for an hour before dawn. That man was going to get a piece of her mind, and he wasn’t going to enjoy it.

Chapter Six
    She was dressed in practical shoes, loose trousers and a tunic with flowing sleeves that let the breezes in and kept the sunlight out.
    Enher waited at the dock for her vehicle, and she was surprised when Kiot pulled up in an exotic-looking skimmer.
    He got out and opened her access point with a flourish. “It will be faster to take our own vehicle. I know where I am going.”
    She settled in and put on the safety harness. “Fine, though you could have told me yesterday.”
    Her plan to spike his mind took a detour when he took the controls and they were on their way. There was never a good time to strike your pilot.
    “Why did you drug me last night?” She asked it as casually as she could.
    “The tea. I passed out halfway through the cup of tea.”
    He scowled. “For most, it is a mild relaxant. The Nurmegar drink it after dinner to aid in digestion.”
    “My biology is not like most.”
    “I apologise. My intent was only to relax you. You had a stressful evening.”
    They were streaking through the sky, and she could see the curvature of the world under them. They were nearing the first of the craters.
    “I did, but that is no reason for you to concern

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