William Monk 12 - Funeral in Blue

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Book: Read William Monk 12 - Funeral in Blue for Free Online
Authors: Anne Perry
of its occupant and yet failing, simply because it tried too hard. A man at ease with himself would have cared so much less.
    Runcorn himself also was the same, tall with a long, narrow face, a little less florid than before, his hair grizzled and not quite so thick, but still handsome. He regarded Monk cautiously. It was as if they were catapulted back in time. All the old rivalries were just as sharp, the knowledge precisely where and how to hurt, the embarrassments, the doubts, the failures each wished forgotten and always saw reflected in the other’s eyes.
    Runcorn looked up and regarded Monk steadily, his face very nearly devoid of expression. “Baker says you know something about the murders in Acton Street,” he said. “Is that right?”
    Now was the time to avoid telling the slightest lie, even by implication. It would come back in enmity later on and do irreparable damage. And yet the whole truth was no use in gaining any cooperation from Runcorn. He was already tense, preparing to defend himself against the slightest insult or erosion of his authority. The years when Monk had mocked him with quicker thought and more agile tongue, an easier manner, lay an uncrossable gulf between.
    Monk had racked his mind all the way there for something clever and true to say, and had arrived still without it. Now he was standing in the familiar surroundings of Runcorn’s office, and the silence was already too long. In truth, he knew no information about the murders in Acton Street, and anything he knew about Kristian Beck, and the relationship between himself and his wife, was likely to do more harm than good.
    “I’m a friend of the family in Mrs. Beck’s case,” he said, and even as the words were on his tongue he realized how ridiculous and inadequate they were.
    Runcorn stared at him, and for a moment his eyes were almost blank. He was weighing up what Monk had said, considering something. Monk expected a withering reply and braced himself for it.
    “That . . . could be helpful,” Runcorn said slowly. The words seemed forced from him.
    “Of course . . . it may be a simple case,” Monk went on. “I believe there was another woman killed as well . . .” He was undecided whether to make that a question or a statement and it hung in the air unfinished.
    “Yes,” Runcorn agreed, then rushed on. “Sarah Mackeson, an artists’ model.” He said the words with distaste. “Looks as if they were killed pretty well at the same time.”
    Monk shifted his weight a little from one foot to the other. “You’re handling the case yourself . . .”
    “Short of men,” Runcorn said dryly. “Lot of illness, and unfortunately Evan is away.”
    “I see. I . . .” Monk changed his mind. It was too abrupt to offer help.
    “What?” Runcorn looked up at him. His face was almost expressionless, his eyes only faintly belligerent.
    Monk was annoyed for having got himself into such a position. Now he did not know what to say, but he was not prepared to retreat.
    Runcorn stared down at the desk with its clean surface, uncluttered by papers, reports, or books of reference. “Actually, Mrs. Beck’s father is a prominent lawyer,” he said quietly. “Likely to run for Parliament soon, so I hear.”
    Monk was startled. He masked it quickly, before Runcorn looked up again. So the case had a different kind of importance. If Kristian’s wife had social connections, her murder would be reported in all the newspapers. An arrest would be expected soon. Whoever was in charge of the investigation would not escape the public eye, and the praise or blame that fear whipped up. No wonder Runcorn was unhappy.
    Monk put his hands in his pockets and relaxed. However, he did not yet take the liberty of sitting down uninvited, which irked him. He would once have sat as a matter of course. “That’s unfortunate,” he observed mildly.
    Runcorn looked at him with suspicion. “What do you mean?”
    “Be easier to conduct an investigation without

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