Will & Patrick Fight Their Feelings (#4)
Caitlin’s of an age where we should worry about her intentions as much as the boy’s.” Kevin sighs, rolls his eyes, and puts his gloved hands on his hips, lifting his head up to the sky. “Will, I hate to say it, but your dad sure did a number on Kimberly.”
    “What’s Tony got to do with this?”
    “He swept her off her feet when she was just a kid, and she’s been looking for that same high ever since she left him.” Kevin ponders Will a moment. “Of course, Tony always has a good reason to come back around, doesn’t he?”
    Will loves his family, he really does, but sometimes he feels like they all blame him for everything wrong with it. If his mom hadn’t had him, Tony could have been a youthful fling, nothing more. Now, because of Will, Tony and the mafia are fixtures in their lives.
    Will shoves his hands in his coat pockets and studies at the ground. “Can’t change the past.”
    “No one knows that more than me.”
    Will looks his uncle in the eye, noticing the way the blue irises reflect the sky. “Back to the kids, though. I need your help. Can you talk to Mom? Convince her to take this new relationship down a notch? For their sake?”
    “You know your mom. She’ll just tell me to mind my own business and she’ll get right back to being ‘in love.’” He says this like he might agree with Patrick that love is nothing but an illusion spawned by chemicals and electrical impulses in the brain.
    Frustration boils in Will’s gut. “It’s like she’s gone from zero to ninety with Jason. It’s out of hand.”
    “I don’t know anyone else who does that sort of thing,” he says, looking at Will with a raised brow. “No one at all.”
    “I was drunk.”
    “So’s she. Just not on liquor.”
    “Uncle Kevin—”
    “I hear what you’re saying, and maybe I’ll have a talk with her. But she doesn’t listen to me. Not when she’s in deep like this.”
    “Don’t you ever get sick of her messing up her life?”
    “Sure.” Kevin slings his arm around Will’s shoulder and shakes him. “I get tired of seeing everyone in this family messing up their lives, but people don’t listen to me.” He looks into Will’s eyes meaningfully. “You don’t. Why would she?”
    Will swallows, his neck prickling hot. “Meaning?” And maybe he’d listen more if Kevin didn’t think the sun shone out of Ryan’s ass even after Ryan assaulted Patrick.
    “Meaning you’ve got a love bite sticking out the edge of your collar there, and you’ve got the gait of a man who’s been, shall we say, enjoying life .”
    “I…” Will’s heart pounds and his palms go sweaty. Anger braided with guilt snakes up his throat.
    “You’re having sex with Dr. McCloud.”
    It’s like he’s in high school again, terrified he might get caught with Jack Linton’s cock down his throat and have some explaining to do.
    “Don’t tell Mom.”
    Kevin laughs. “If you need any proof that you shouldn’t be doing what you’re doing with that man, you’ve got it right there. If you can’t tell your mother you’re sleeping with him, then you know it’s not right.”
    Will shrugs out from under Kevin’s oppressive arm. “I’m an adult and I can do what I want. With whom I want.”
    “So can your mom.”
    “I’m not Mom.”
    Kevin inclines his head. “All right. If you say so.”
    “I’m not Roy either.”
    Kevin’s face goes pale.
    Regret sinks through him, and Will reaches out to Kevin but falls short of touching him.
    Kevin clears his throat. “Roy was a good man and I loved him no matter what mistakes he made. And I’ll love you too, no matter how many mistakes you decide to rack up. Just like I love your mother.”
    Will’s throat aches as he watches Uncle Kevin return to the barn with his shoulders back, and his blond hair shining in the winter sun.
    A drink would be so—
    A drink would ruin everything .
    No, he has a better plan for dealing with the rage simmering in his gut…
    After an hour in

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