Wild Wolf: Black Mesa Wolves #4

Read Wild Wolf: Black Mesa Wolves #4 for Free Online

Book: Read Wild Wolf: Black Mesa Wolves #4 for Free Online
Authors: J.K. Harper
Tags: paranormal romance
He crinkled his nose just a bit at their tart smells. Seemed most of them had ingested a bunch of garlic with their dinners.
    “I have a question for you,” Rafe said. “Alpha talked to me the other night. After the meeting. He wants us to leave week after next to get things actually started.”
    “Already?” Tate said, surprised.
    Rafe had been tapped by the Alpha to start a new pack far up north, almost to the Canadian border, to keep a sense of order and lawfulness extending farther up toward the wilder reaches where fewer packs existed. With the rogue threat and the realization the most powerful pack in Canada was run by a sick old wolf who planned insurrection, the placement of this new pack was even more important. Even so, Tate hadn't realized his father wanted Rafe and his mate, Sara, to go quite this soon. The sense of the impending loss had already been hard for him to think about, even though he rationally understood all the reasons for the decision.
    “Tate,” Rafe said. His usual seriousness became even more firm, alerting Tate's wolf into watchfulness. “I asked Alpha for a substantial favor, and he said yes.” Rafe paused and took a breath before continuing. “We want Caleb to join us in our new pack.”
    “Whoa,” Tate said, his thoughts suddenly tripping over themselves. He tried to imagine Caleb's reaction to that invitation, and failed. Caleb and the Black Mesa Pack went together like a cowboy and his hat. Or in this case, like a sometime cage fighter and his gloves. And Caleb answering to Rafe might be a major issue. They got along just fine as siblings, but as an alpha, Rafe would not tolerate even an ounce of Caleb's fired-up temper.
    “I need him,” Rafe said simply. “He's incredibly valuable for many reasons. He might even be a Guardian again someday, if he demonstrates he's ready to resume that role. He will respect my authority. He also knows I'll wipe the ground with him if he ever tries anything stupid.”
    Both siblings laughed, although there was an uneasy, somewhat unhappy edge to it. Reactive Caleb was not known for making the most well-thought out decisions. Then again, Tate mused, slowing his steps as he approached the bookstore, Caleb's temper had been, well, tempered by Rielle. She was definitely a saving grace in his volatile younger brother's life. Maybe Rafe was counting on that.
    Tate's wolf shot him an image of the gorgeous strange female wolf gently rubbing up against his side, washing his face in the way wolves did when they wanted to relax one another. Hmm.
    “What did he say when you told him?” Tate asked.
    There was a pause before Rafe answered. “We haven't asked him yet. I needed to talk to you first. I wanted to wait until you were done meeting your new clients this weekend, so you could focus on them first.”
    Tate frowned. His brother carefully thought out his words as well as his actions before ever doing anything because he always had an endgame. “Why me first? I don't want to have to hide something from him.”
    Rafe sighed. “I know. I'll meet with him tomorrow, after you're home. That's also why I wanted to talk to you now, so you have the evening and flight home to think about it.”
    Suddenly suspicious, Tate said, “Think about what?”
    Another slight pause before Rafe went on. “If Caleb comes with us, it means you'd need to one hundred percent commit to being a Guardian.”
    Tate bristled very slightly, making his wolf whine in reflected agitation. “I am one hundred percent committed to my pack. You know that as well as anyone.” He kept his tone neutral.
    “You're also very committed to your other career, Tate,” his brother shot back. His voice was understanding, but firm. “Caleb enjoys being a fighter, but it's always been for fun. He always made it clear that he would drop that part of his life in an instant if it came down to a necessary choice. What I know better than most, except probably our parents with their alarming

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