Wild Justice

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Book: Read Wild Justice for Free Online
Authors: Wilbur Smith
now I’m going to be at this desk until this thing is settled.’ Kingston Parker never used the emotive word ‘terrorist’ and he did not like to hear it from his subordinates either.
    â€˜Never hate your adversary blindly,’ he had told Peter once. ‘Understand his motives, recognize and respect his strengths – and you will be better prepared to meet him.’
    â€˜What co-operation can we expect?Peter asked.
    â€˜All African States that we have so far been able to contact have offered full co-operation, including overflight, landing and refuelling facilities – and the South Africans are being helpful. I have spoken to their defence minister and he has offered the fullest possible co-operation. They will refuse 070 landing clearance, of course, and I anticipate that it will have to go on to one of the black states farther north, which is probably the militants’ intention anyway. I think you know my views about South Africa – but in this instance I must say they are being very good.’
    Parker brought into the television shot a black briar pipe with a big round bowl, and began to stuff it with tobacco. His hands were large, like the rest of his body, but the fingers were long and supple as those of a pianist – which of course he was. And Peter remembered the scented smell of the tobacco he smoked. Even though he was a non-smoker, Peter had not found the odour offensive. Both men were silent, deep in thought, Parker frowning slightly as he seemed to concentrate on his pipe. Then he sighed and looked up again.
    â€˜All right, Peter. Let’s hear what you have.’
    Peter shuffled through the notes he had been making. ‘I have prepared four tentative scenarios and our responses to each, sir. The most important consideration is whether this is a strike “a l’allemande” or “A l’italienne”—’

    Parker nodded, listening; although this was well-travelled ground they must go over it again. A strike in the Italian fashion was the easier to resolve, a straight demand for cash. The German tradition involved release of prisoners, social and political demands that crossed national boundaries. They worked on for another hour before they were interrupted again.
    â€˜Good God.’ It was a measure of Kingston. Parker’s astonishment that he used such strong language. ‘We have a new development here—’
    I t was only when 070 joined the eastern airway and began to initiate a standard approach and let down, began to initiate a standard approach and let down, without however obtaining air traffic control clearance, that South African Airforce Command suddenly realized what was about to happen.
    Immediately emergency silence was imposed on all the aviation frequencies while the approaching flight was bombarded by urgent commands to immediately vacate national airspace. There was no response whatsoever, and one hundred and fifty nautical miles out from Jan Smuts International Airport the Boeing reduced power and commenced a sedate descent to enter controlled airspace.
    â€˜British Airways 070 this is Jan Smuts Control, you are expressly refused clearance to join the circuit. Do you read me, 070?’
    â€˜British Airways 070 this is Airforce Command. You are warned that you are in violation of national airspace. You are ordered to climb immediately to thirty thousand feet and turn on course for Nairobi.’
    The Boeing was a hundred nautical miles out and descending through fifteen thousand feet.
    â€˜Diamond Leader, this is Cheetah. Take the target under command and enforce departure clearance.’

    The long sleek aircraft in its mottled green and brown battle camouflage dropped like a dart, rapidly overhauling the huge multi-engined giant, diving down just behind the tailplane and then pulling up steeply in front of the gaily painted red, white and blue nose.
    Skilfully the Mirage pilot stationed his nimble

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