Wild Instinct

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Book: Read Wild Instinct for Free Online
Authors: Sarah McCarty
knew damn well that Cur did, too. If Garrett walked away from this opportunity to belong, he’d have his mate, but Cur would have nothing but knowledge of what could be but might never happen. And yet, he’d make the sacrifice for Garrett. Because they were friends.
    Garrett glanced back inside the dark interior and saw Donovan arguing with Sarah. Whatever they were discussing, neither was pleased. He hoped to hell the McGowans knew what they had in Cur. He was a fierce soldier, a loyal friend, and he deserved a heck of a lot better than to be cast out because his father had mated a human. If the McGowans could deliver belonging, Garrett was willing to make a few sacrifices of his own. Cur was right. They were all the pack each of them had. And pack put pack first.
    Garret straightened. Sometimes a man had to fight for what should be his. “Well, I’m thinking we’re going to take more.”
    “Your mate?”
    Garrett nodded. “And our place is in this pack.”
    It felt good to say it.
    “I’m glad to hear it.”
    The statement came from the interior of the cave. Garrett turned and Kelon was there. That fast, that startling. Not a sound had betrayed his approach. Yet another difference between the Protectors and themselves. He and Cur were self-taught. Their skills were limited to what they could improvise and piece together, the taint of their human blood prohibiting the assignment of a mentor to teach them the skills of their birthright. Not that it had stopped them from stealing a few, but there was so much more they could learn.
    “Don’t worry,” Garrett sneered, driven to lash out by the resentment he couldn’t shake. “It’s our policy not to leave a job until it’s done.”
    Kelon’s right brow lifted in clear mockery and the corner of his mouth twitched. Anger twisted in Garrett’s gut. If Kelon kept pushing him, he’d find out just how many of the Protectors’ secrets he and Cur had managed to uncover for themselves.
    “We appreciate that.” He jerked his head toward the interior. “Donovan wants you back inside.”
    This time there was no mistaking the other Protector’s amusement. “Sarah Anne is freaking out.”
    He hadn’t claimed the woman, and Kelon knew it. “So why is that my problem?”
    Another cock of the brow accompanied by a flash of canine. “Because Donovan wants it to be.”
    What the hell did that mean? Was Donovan sanctioning the mating? He glanced at Cur. After a hesitation that indicated his own doubts, Cur shrugged.
    Garrett was finished being a pawn in the McGowans’ games. “Tough.”
    Kelon straightened, aggression whipping out in an acrid scent. “Are you challenging me, pup?”
    The one thing Garrett knew how to deal with was aggression. All it took was a lift of the mental barriers he normally kept battened down. “Call me ‘pup’ again and there won’t be any question mark at the end of that sentence.”
    Cur took a step forward, ready as always to cover his back. Garrett shook his head. This was his battle.
    Kelon glanced at Garrett. Then at Cur. Then back at Garrett. His expression was impossible to read. “Fair enough.” He motioned to the interior. “But Donovan is still your superior, and he’s still waiting.”
    “Let me guess—he doesn’t like to be kept waiting?” Cur asked, shouldering past.
    “Nearly as much as he likes dealing with hysterical women.”
    Despite himself, Garrett felt the leap of concern, the need to protect. “Sarah’s hysterical?”
    “From her scent, she’s about to go over the edge.”
    It shouldn’t have bothered Garrett. It did. “Shit.”
    He followed Cur.
    Behind them, Kelon chuckled. “I thought that would get you moving.”
    “Shut up.”
    All the order inspired was an outright laugh.

    SARAH Anne was facing Donovan, chin up, shoulders squared, her daughter tucked behind her. From the impatient slash of Donovan’s hand, it didn’t look as if he liked what he was hearing.
    “He’ll go

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