Wild Cards 13 : Card Sharks

Read Wild Cards 13 : Card Sharks for Free Online

Book: Read Wild Cards 13 : Card Sharks for Free Online
Authors: George R.R. Martin
called Chop-Chop. And you're ... ?"
    Hannah introduced herself and showed Tanaka her identification. "Father Squid gave me your name," she said as she took her tape recorder from her purse. "Do you mind?"
    Tanaka shrugged, though he looked uneasily at the recorder as Hannah set it on a pile of old invoices. "Sit down," he said. Just move those files off the chair. ... You know, I don't know anything about the fire. Just what was in the papers and on the tube. Why Father would send you to me ..?" He shrugged thin shoulders.
    "It wasn't exactly this fire that he thought you might know about," Hannah said, and with the words, she saw something move in Tanaka's face, a twitch of muscles around his mouth and a slow blink of both eyes. She softened her voice, tried to smile at him - there was something there, and she didn't want him to think he had to hide it. "Father ... he said to tell you that you could trust me."
    "How is he? I heard he got burned."
    "He'll be fine. He's lucky - minor burns and some smoke inhalation. They'll release him from the hospital in a day or two."
    Tanaka nodded. His skittish gaze moved away from her, as if he weren't comfortable looking at her. Which is about the way I feel about you , Hannah thought. "That's good. That's real good. I like the Father. I ... I almost went to mass that night. Got stuck here instead; a problem with a shipment. I manage the place now. Have for a long time ..." His voice seemed to run down. He looked at the pictures on the wall, at the file cabinet.
    "Father Squid said I should ask about a movie," she said, and that brought Tanaka's head around as if she'd reached out and turned it back herself. The eyes blinked again, like an owl's.
    " Jokertown ," he said, flatly. It wasn't a question, but Hannah nodded anyway. "I don't know why you should be interested in that. It was just a movie."
    "Exactly what I said. But Quasiman insisted that I ask. He seems to think that the fire wasn't just a random hate crime." Hannah bit her lip, drumming her fingers on the arms of the chair. "Look, I think this is probably just a dead end. Thank you for your time, and I'm sorry to have interrupted your busy day. ..." She started to reach for the tape recorder.
    "They were really all wrong, you know," Tanaka said.
    "I'm sorry?"
    "About the movie. They were all wrong." Tanaka looked at her through the thick windows of his glasses. "I was there. I know the truth. Did you see it? Did you see the movie? ..."

"'Til I Kissed You"
by William F. Wu

    I was working for the Four Seas Seafood Delivery Service. On a very hot, humid day, I remember taking a breather at the rear doors of the refrigerated delivery truck I was unloading. I was working at a corner bay near the fence that separated the yard from the street.
    A beat-up old radio blared from a shelf inside the bay. A news item about Bobby Fischer, the new U.S. chess champion, was followed by the melodic voice of Paul Anka singing "Lonely Boy": "I'm just a lonely boy, lonely and blue - ooh. I'm all alone, with nothing to do ..." Out where I was, the music sounded thin.
    It didn't matter. I hated Paul Anka.
    I had one more undelivered wooden crate to return to the freezers in the back of the warehouse. Full of frozen shrimp, and caked with bits of ice, it weighed only twenty pounds, but these last few had felt like a ton. I put my arms around it, but motion on the sidewalk caught my eye, and I turned to look.
    A teen-aged girl, a nat, had stopped on the sidewalk. She was looking at me through the gate of the chainlink fence.
    I usually turned away from strange nats, being deeply embarrassed by my appearance. As you can see, it's a racial caricature of both the Japanese and the Chinese from World War II. I had stopped growing during the previous year at five feet in height, and kind of chubby. The only choice I had about my appearance was my haircut, which was a bristly flattop.
    T his time, I forgot about the crate. She was one of the most stunning

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