Wicked End
Jake’s pickup truck, so he was already there. He walked inside and held his access card up to the plate. They rented a space in the highest security area, because privacy was important. They didn’t want just anyone seeing what they stored. There was a corridor to the back loading dock which was only accessible from that area. That was how they loaded the truck.
    “You’re alone?” Scott asked when he entered their first room. “Where’s Austin?”
    Jake smirked. “Wasn’t it your night to watch him?” He chuckled, thinking of how close he and Austin were.
    Scott rolled his eyes. “Funny.” Austin had left their place before he woke up. “He told me he was meeting you like an hour ago.”
    “I guess he found a new lover.” Jake saw shock register on Scott’s face and burst out laughing.
    Holding in an angry comeback, Scott whipped out his phone to text Austin. Then he saw the missed call and sighed. Austin had tried to call. He took a calming breath then called his voicemail.
    “Hey, sorry, Scott,” Austin’s deep voice came though the speaker. “You were sleeping, and Gene needed me to take him to school. He missed the bus. You know how much I want him to graduate. Anyway, he likes to show off that I’m his big brother and driving to school in a Challenger gets the girls interested. I like being his hero some days.” A car door slammed. “I won’t be too late, just wanted to let you know.”
    Scott put his phone away. He was happy Austin’s mom moved to California. After Austin’s father died, she was lost. Fifteen-year-old Gene’s grades suffered. Everything changed when Austin bought her a house and took his much younger brother under his wing. It made Scott proud of him. He wished he was close to his family, but Austin’s mom treated him like a son too.
    He and Austin were roommates for the past five years. They had bought a house the year before in Laguna Beach, right off the Pacific Ocean. It was a huge four-bedroom home. They held band parties there sometimes. Each of them had their own master bedroom on opposite ends of the house. Austin’s family also spent a lot of time there.
    “Chico’s almost here. He stopped to fill the cooler.” Jake announced. “I told him to get you orange soda this time.”
    The last time they prepared for a tour, Scott drank beer all day. Normally, that would be fine, but it had been a hot day, and he didn’t eat anything. The whole trip to Texas, he was sick as a dog.
    “Thanks, man.” Scott nodded at Jake. He was an ass most of the time, but it was small gestures like that, that made him an OK guy. “Austin’ll be here soon. He had to take Gene to school.”
    Jake rolled a speaker into the hallway. “Cool.” They heard the air brakes of a truck. “Sounds like Mike and Jesse’s here.” He looked down the hall then an evil grin spread across his face. “Brandon’s bringing Tink. That hurricane hit her town.” He licked his lips. “I told him she can only stay on the bus if we all get to fuck her.”
    “Why the fuck did you do that?” Scott roared, annoyed that he forced Brandon into it. “You know how he is with her.” She was the only woman he had ever seen Brandon fuss over.
    Closing his eyes and imagining making Mackenzie ride his cock, Jake replied, “We got rules, and he wants to break ’em. He has to pay the consequences.” He laughed. “We all know you wanna fuck her. You can’t deny it.”
    Scott turned away, not wanting Jake to see his cock stiffening. He had a slight crush on Brandon’s girl, which he managed to hide for years. Every time they met, their eyes lingered on each other longer than they should. He had always wondered if she would be into him if Brandon were out of the picture.
    “Hey, hot stuff!” Austin shouted as he walked towards them. He smiled at Scott as he spied the bulge in his jeans. “Happy to see me, huh?”
    Blushing deeply, Scott looked down. “I… uh… um…” He was at a loss for

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