Where There's Smoke

Read Where There's Smoke for Free Online

Book: Read Where There's Smoke for Free Online
Authors: Jayne Rylon
you the boot. But I won’t have you risking that job of yours. You love it. In fact, you’d best hit the road soon if you’re going to be rested enough for those early morning shifts you pull.”
    “There’s nothing to go back to.” He dropped the pan on the cooktop with a final clank. “That’s what I’m trying to say. Badly. I’m fucked, Ben. I lost everything. I got fired.”
    “How?” Kyana burst into the room, hands on hips. “I’ve seen pictures of your work. You’re amazing at what you do. This is bullshit.”
    “Ky.” He whipped around. “Damn. I guess there’s no hiding anything around here anyway.”
    “What happened, son?” Ben motioned for Logan to join him at the table, but their impromptu chef didn’t do anything half-assed. He concentrated on situating a divine hunk of salmon on each of the three plates he’d garnished with lemon wedges and something green. Where the hell had he scrounged that stuff from?
    “Nicholson cut corners. Used cheap material that wouldn’t hold up. The bastard asked me to cover for the company. No fucking way. I fixed a few of the issues on my own, couldn’t stand to see the homeowners get screwed like that. But I ran out of money fast. So the next time it happened, I told the inspector about the violations myself.” His shoulders slumped as he wiped his hands on a dish towel. “The foreman no longer required my services after that.”
    “This really is crap.” Injustice spurred Kyana to don her lawyer hat for the first time in months. “We can fight this.”
    “And then what?” He shook his head as he approached with a steaming plate balanced on his sculpted forearm and two more laid out on his palms. “I go back to work for a dickhead who has it out for me? Or I’m owed a boatload of cash he doesn’t have unless he rips off more unsuspecting homeowners? It’s not worth it.”
    Ben shook his head. “One thing at a time. Help me fix my house. Those outrageous premiums I’ve shelled out for an eternity should mean insurance can afford what you deserve to make for the job you’ll do. This could be the break you need to get your own business off the ground. A portfolio builder.”
    “If the payout is short or slow, I’ll kick in the supplies as long as you provide the labor.” Kyana played with the artful arrangement on the plate Logan handed her without meeting his gaze. She knew how touchy he could be about something that meant nothing to her. Money had always been a sticking point between them, no matter how delicately she tread. “Rose would have loved to help you. Hell, she would have insisted.”
    “Absolutely not.” Logan’s objection didn’t surprise her. “I’m not taking any handouts.”
    Ben snorted. “This ain’t some kind of charity, kid. No one’s offering you something for nothing. Your job isn’t going to be easy. I’m a damn picky customer. Especially when it comes to my house.”
    “Ben needs someone he can trust. You wouldn’t leave him in the hands of a scammer like your piece of shit ex-boss would you? And being a partner in a startup could be just the project I’ve been looking for. I can help you with all the legal and management junk.” Kyana rushed to bolster Ben’s argument when he peered up at her with wide blue eyes.
    “I couldn’t—”
    “You will. You, me and our girly. It’ll be like the good old times. When we were a family. She’s right, you know. Rose would insist if she were here. So don’t argue with your elders.” Ben glared.
    “Ky’s younger than me.” Logan pouted.
    How could he manage that and still be so damn sexy?
    “By three weeks!” She winged a steamed green bean at his smirk, both annoyed and impressed when he caught it out of mid-air then popped it between his bright white teeth. Mmm .
    “Fine. You can bicker with her all you like. After we eat.” Ben rapped Logan’s powerful thigh with the back of his hand. “Give me that dish. Let’s dig in before this gets

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