What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
five. I don’t speak to my father and my mom passed away last year.”
    “I’m so sorry.” I didn’t know what else to say.
    “Thank you.” A long pause and then I was surprised when he continued. “When I was eighteen, my dad gave me a portion of my inheritance from my grandfather to see if I could manage money before releasing the balance of my trust fund to me. The trust fund gave my dad the authority to release the funds to me at any time after my eighteenth birthday, if he thought that I was capable of managing the responsibility. If he didn’t think I was responsible enough, I wasn’t to gain access until my twenty-fifth birthday. Two weeks after my birthday I caught him with a prostitute in his office. My mom had just been diagnosed with cancer and the asshole was so selfish that he couldn’t keep it in his pants to take care of his sick wife. He knew I wouldn’t hurt my mom in her condition by telling her, so he took advantage. After that, I caught him with at least three more prostitutes before I stopped speaking to him altogether, except when we were in front of my mother. The bastard made me keep his secrets for seven years while my mother underwent six rounds of chemotherapy and four different surgeries.”
    I wasn’t sure how to respond, but I was curious. My big mouth had taken us from bliss to bad memories in a span of fifteen minutes. “Did you have to wait until you were twenty-five for your trust fund?”
    He laughed. “Question number six. I partied for the first year and wasted a shitload of money. Then my father, being the upstanding pillar of the community that he thought he was, decided to run for senate. Apparently having 40,000 employees didn’t give him enough power, he needed to conquer the world.” Jack walked to a table between the lounge chair that had a bottle of wine chilling and two glasses.
    “So, I invested the money I had left into a business that I knew would embarrass him and hurt his chances of winning a campaign based on his pretend Christian morals.” He handed me a glass of wine and I watched as he tilted his own glass back and swallowed his wine in one large gulp. “The funny thing is, I didn’t need the trust fund after that. My business investment turned out to be very successful. But the bastard released the balance of the trust fund to me the same day that he withdrew from the senate race. I’m sure he was trying to send me a message that I had ruined his race, but I saw it as the last tear in the cloth that kept us bound together.”
    Wow . Jack had shared so much information about who he was and his life in only a few minutes, I wasn’t sure what to do with it. But it stirred something inside of me that this beautiful man was so honest with me about the hurt caused by his father. I turned to face him. His arms never left the railing, blocking me in. He watched intently as I brought my wine glass to my lips and tipped my head back to empty it, mimicking his actions from a few minutes ago.
    He took my glass and placed it down. Then he reached down and lifted me up and cradled me in his arms as he walked back inside where he gently laid me on the bed. I watched as he walked to the foot of the bed and slowly removed each of my sandals. His eyes never left mine.
    He trailed kisses along the arch of my foot, traveling up the inside of my calf. I was instantly reduced to a quivering mess of anticipation. He worked his tongue with skill over every part of my legs, gently alternating between nipping and sucking as he burned a path up my body. When he reached between my legs, he paused, taking his time to look at my most intimate area that was bared to him. His armed wrapped around my lower back and he raised my pelvis so that I had a clear line of vision to watch him. Every part of my body was on high alert, sensitive to every movement and desperate for more of his touch.
    He ran his tongue up and down my sex gently at first, then found my clit with a strong suck

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