Werewolf Wedding
    I’m not normally a nervous person. I’m not normally insecure or afraid of the dark, but for some reason – probably my run in with Jake’s brother – I had become hyper aware of everything around me. I hated the twist in my stomach and the little tinge of fear in the back of my mind. “Get this car going, Dilly. Stop panicking and just do this.”
    My awareness shifted from the harmless road noise back to the
    The familiar thrum of nervous energy in the back of my skull struck up. That’s how my anxiety makes itself known. I get a little hum of tingling in the back of my head, and then I start with the heavy breathing and sometimes sweating. Although in this cold, if I started sweating, that’d be bad .
    Gritting my teeth, I very consciously held tightly on the wires.
    “Why does this have to happen right now ?” I asked the universe. I bit down on my lip, trying to force myself to keep steady just long enough to get the damn car going. “Just get it started, Dilly, just get the damn thing started. You can sit in there and warm up, and forget about how unless you make some wild ass sales in the next couple of days, you’re gonna have to seriously think about Waffle House.”
    The thing is, it wasn’t true . I had some socked up, I owned my building, owned my tools. There was nothing reasonable for me to be afraid of, but there I was, crouched down on the dirt, and my goddamn hands were shaking like I was detoxing.
    The wires touched, just long enough for one spark to shoot through Bertha’s ignition. With a heave, the engine turned over once, and I let go of the wires, thinking I’d managed to get her going. After the one crank, the vigor in Bertha’s voice started to falter, her strength began to fade. I tried to catch the wires, but one of them had recoiled back under the dashboard.
    I reached for it, but lost my balance – somehow I’d managed to trick gravity into letting me go. My chin popped against the leather bench seat, clacking my teeth together smartly Prickly cold in the back of my head began to swirl around and before I knew it, the little points of darkness poking through my vision were starting to take over. I forced myself back to my knees and got one foot underneath me before I felt the hand.
    It was like buttery maple syrup on a piece of bacon. Those burning hot fingers wrapped around my arm, and then when I fell backwards, he caught me. “Are you okay? Talk to me,” Jake urged. “Say something.”
    His voice was caressing me, lulling me into a weird sense of security. “Something,” I managed weakly, and smiled. I looked up at him, those burning, iron-colored eyes and his shaggy hair cascading along the sides of his face as he stood over me. He laughed a little, probably more out of wanting to calm me down than because it was actually funny. Which, thinking about it, given the context and the timing? Not too bad a one-liner really.
    “Let’s get you up,” he whispered before effortlessly hauling me to my feet and depositing me inside of Bertha’s maw. “Shit, it’s cold in here. Here, this should help.”
    Opening his jacket, Jake guided my arms inside and underneath his. He held me tight, apparently unconcerned with Dilly the thermal vampire leeching off all his heat. Never – not once in my life – have I ever gone from freezing too comfortable in less than, like, four hours. But that time, with myself wrapped around Jake?
    “There we go,” he whispered. It was like his voice was inside my head he spoke so softly. “All better. Or at least you aren’t shaking so hard anymore.”
    I gulped and looked up at him. “Th-thank you. I don’t know what happened. I was just trying to get...”
    With the tip of one finger, he touched my lips, quieting me. He shook his head. “Whatever happened, I’m just glad I was running late. You’re okay.” Jake was petting my hair, calming me more with each passing moment. “Everything is fine. Although... you

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